

Responses from charles1dad

$3000 alternatives to Decware Zen Torii tube amp?
Psag,You really feel the Tori is competitive with Wavac EC 300b? That's quite a compliment given the vast price difference. Congratulations and enjoy. 
Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps
If Israel uses the Psvane now it must be quite good (I've not heard this one). I can tell you that the EML XLS sounds fantastic in my Frankenstein. Powerful, dynamic yet very organic and involving. Likely can't go wrong with either tube.Charles, 
Soundstage vs background noise?
One of the major reasons that led me to move from SS toward tubes was an increased ability to present spatial, nuances and ambience information. The realism and natural sound characteristics were superior. It may be a question of what particular c... 
room makes or breaks
The post by Pops effectively makes Soix's point.Regards, 
Berkeley DAC Series 1, anything better 2.5K$
Cerrot,Based on the responses posted here some would disagree. It's hard to know what someone else will prefer given we all hear differently and have individual taste. A friend who I trust finds the Berkeley is some what clinical and analytical, s... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Andrew,When I spoke with Rick via the phone he suggested front end(source) and go down the chain.I use just the single digital CT-1U and this "one" cable has resulted in a considerable improvement.I suspect these CT-1 cables anywhere in the audio ... 
Power Cables diminishing returns
Schubert,Have to disagree with you on this one, there`s very little subsidy by taxpayers for drug/medicine development and testing.I realize it`s fashionable to bash the big companies these days but Brownsfan is right.Regards, 
Sometimes the best results come from small,well conceived but unpretnsious products.Regards, 
Power Cables diminishing returns
Al,You're absolutely correct concerning the very high cost of pharmaceutical development, testing, trials and finally FDA approval. Contrary to popular myth it's a very long and very costly process. Sometimes companies don't recoup their investmen... 
Berkeley DAC Series 1, anything better 2.5K$
Esstrand,The American distributor for Yamamoto is Ratoc Systems.com they're in Santa Clara, CA. I've read very good things about the Auralic DAC and I know it has more features and flexibility. When it comes to pure sound quality the Yamamoto will... 
Power Cables diminishing returns
Schubert and Brownsfan +1,Very good and well stated thoughts. As much as I respect science and scientific method it isn't always adequate for everything we encounter. There are in audio things we clearly experience that can't be satisfactory expla... 
Berkeley DAC Series 1, anything better 2.5K$
+1Jond's comments on the Yamamoto YDA-1 DAC. Exceptionally natural, involving and dynamic, it's a music lover's dream. Minimal feature set admittedly, the attention was squarely placed on the analog circuit and power supply. It provides premium mu... 
Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps
Joe,It's good you get a chance to audition the Frankenstein. I bought mine direct from Israel Bloom unheard prior to the purchase 4 years ago. It worked out fine to say the least. It was love at first listen and my admiration and joy has only grow... 
Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps
Snopro,Your situation is a perfect example of the first watt sound quality princciple.Given the high efficiency of you speaker and preferred listening levels(which are very realistic without risking hearing loss).Much of your playing will be drawi... 
Coincident Frankenstein mk.2 amps
Hi Joe,I`ll be glad to share my 300b tube rolling experiences with you. I`ve had the good opprotunity to hear a fair number of them.The Frankenstein is exceptionally revealing and exposes the differences quite easily.Although it is full body,natur...