Responses from charles1dad
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE Mel,My very first post on this thread I said these are vastly different speakers. I was interested in the responses the OP would generate, so I've followed it out of genuine curiosity. | |
How to meaningfully audition speakers?? RVG mentions Bob Weinstock (Prestige producer) and his description of Wienstocks approach makes sense. I've lways preferred RVG's Prestige sound more than his Blue Note sessions and I own many of both labels. He said Weinstock was a jazz fan and g... | |
How to meaningfully audition speakers?? I wouldn't refer to appreciating the sound and beauty of well played acoustic instruments an obsession. Is it too much to ask for instruments and voices to sound as realistic and natural as we know they actually do?Why do we have to settle for the... | |
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE Hi Mel, One point to consider concerning the numder of a brand's used equipment is the company's size. Tannoy has been around a "long time" and sells many more models than Magico. I'd say there are far more owners of Tannoy and thus they'd be expe... | |
Are We Talking CDs And CDPs Out Of Existence? Hi Mitch4t,I'd say CA is an ideal solution for you, go for it and best of luck.Charles, . | |
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE Hi Mel,I understand your point about value and agree some threads are more informative and educational than others. I appreciate those but I come to this site primarily to have fun with fellow gon members who share the enjoyment of music and audio... | |
Are We Talking CDs And CDPs Out Of Existence? Hi Grannyring,I like your approach. When I find that CA is clearly sonically superior I'll happily make the transition(sound means much more to me than convenience). I've heard some very good sounding CA systems but they weren't better than a high... | |
Tannoy or JBL I like Shakeydeal's idea. | |
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house It's my choice certainly in regards to what I find appealing, we're talking cosmetics aren't we. In the context of Glory's analogy it's absolutely appropriate. No National Geographic, just nice, fit and athletic. | |
How to meaningfully audition speakers?? Well based on the comments it safe to say that sound engineers aren't formally trained like electrical, mechanical or chemical engineers. So it is a case of an art form/ practical experience rather than an established technical approach. I'm comin... | |
Tube in Preamp or Power amp? Bo1972,Wolf makes an astute point, you really can't generalize and fall back on clichés. Speed(timing, pace, transients?) and drive ability are by no means exclusive to transistor amplifiers. Tube power amps can provide these qualities(and many ot... | |
How to meaningfully audition speakers?? Frogmam,Thanks for your very insightful perspective. You mention the engineers having less reliance on actual listening to the musicians play and are instead in the booth. This one factor explains plenty! This approach would seem to lead to fixing... | |
Magico S5 vs Tannoy Westminster Royal SE Mel of course not, you're as welcome here as me or anyone else. What I was trying to get across is the point that there tends to be a certain degree of redundancy . There are topics that are popular and recurrent and thus generate the familiar rep... | |
How to meaningfully audition speakers?? I dont think it's as simple as the old digital vs analogue argument. I've heard enough good sound and bad with both formats. I blame the ability (or lack )of the recording engineer. There are excellent sounding digital jazz recordings, so it obvio... | |
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house With audio sound as well as women, I prefer natural to artificial if given the choice. |