Responses from charles1dad
When is digital going to get the soul of music? I no longer except the premise that analog is inherently superior to digital as I once did. I've just heard one too many turn table setups that simply sound clinical, lifeless and artificially detailed. I've heard digital sources playing plain old... | |
Top 10 Snafus to avoid when building a good rig I agree with the sentiments and philosophy of Marcojack, Whart and Swampwalker. Over emphasis on the quest for perfected sound can detract from the importance of the music and reverse priorities. I do believe that more enjoyment and long term sati... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz The only HF cable in my system is the CT1-U and its impact is significant and much appreciated. I consider it an outstanding addition to my digital source. Mcondon's comments aren't surprising, different system and ears. No matter how good a produ... | |
Esoteric A-100 vs a03 Pani,I find it difficult to generalize due to the relatively wide range amongst products. Somec845 amps are better than others as is the case for 300b amps. Implementation seems to be the major factor in determining successful outcomes. I'm famili... | |
Ssssh, is your tube preamp really that quiet? Ralph, I discovered this some years ago when I owned a Symphonic Line SS amplifier and a tubed Audio Prism el 34 tubed amplifier. The S.Line amplifier was quieter in terms of external noise than the tube amp. Yet when comparing the same recordings... | |
Esoteric A-100 vs a03 Yes,For these particular speakers an 845 SET or good PP amplifier may be what you need to satisfy your objective. | |
Speakers First? +1 John, success can be had either way. My system is built around an 8 watt SET amplitier and the final system's music reproduction actually exceeded my lofty expectations. This SET does limit speaker choice, but speaker first will limit suitable ... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Hi John,You're a welcome contributor here and there's absolutely no reason to leave. We're all mature adults who share a similar passion, music and quality audio equipment. I hope you reconsider your stance and post your CT1 impressions on this th... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz John,Keep in mind that the basic HF CT1 is a premium level product compared to a vast majority of cables available. The upper line HF cables do improve as you go higher but these are relative scale comparisons. If you determine that you really lik... | |
Ssssh, is your tube preamp really that quiet? Ralph, What's interesting is that despite the noise you mention, once the music begins these "noisier" devices ironically reveal more musical nuance and low level information. As though the noise floor diminishes with the musical signal transmissi... | |
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz Calvin,I agree that comparisons of cables are fair game. This long thread has been very interesting and has remained on topic, lets keep that standard intact. | |
Coincident Dragon MK I vs MK II Drdavid, I'm not surprised by your outcome and you can simply rotate them at will and appreciate both. As I've written before, I very happily rotate my 3 premium tubes.Charles, | |
Esoteric A-100 vs a03 Pani,Needless to say that my opinions are strictly based on personal encountersand everyone's experience is unique. Prior to using my SET amp I used a custom built PP amplifier (Response Audio Bella Extreme V cap version) by Bill Baker (Purity Aud... | |
Please help with Spectron Musician Issue. Hi Snopro,It seems like you've run the gamut of amplifiers, from the high power class D Spectron Musician to your current 8 watt SET 300b. That's quite an interesting contrast. | |
Esoteric A-100 vs a03 Pani,I attended a dealer demostration several years ago. The system was Esoteric digital, their C-03 line stage and A 100 amplifier driving Wilson Sashas. A variety of music was played and I listened for a good while. My point is someone may or ma... |