Responses from charles1dad
Synergistic Red Fuse ... It's simple enough for me to reverse the fuse direction and just listen. Either you hear a meaningful difference or you do not. I do hear a distinct change(but not drastic ) in the sound. If you don't then just leave things as they are. Charles, | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... I agree with changing the direction of the Black fuses prior to mixing them with the Red fuse. Oregonpapa I value your listening impressions, we share the same musical priorities. Audio products that diminish rather than enrich the emotional conn... | |
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes Mk,I haven't noticed that with my amplifier thus far. I thought I have another bad Elrog replacement tube a few days ago, no sound from one mono block. I removed it and use my EML,still no sound, uh oh. I had it check out by a friend who is an exc... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Search I meant, not searce. | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Gwalt,Your experience with the SR Red fuses makes sense to me in that these outcomes are all individual in nature with the numerous variables. As you note, fuses are no different than comparing cables or any audio products, results will var... | |
How can it be that some old recordings sound sublime? Yes there are definitely very good mono recordings. Sarah Vaughan with Clifford Brown is a prime example and one of my favorites. Charles, | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Oregonpapa, Well the Black fuses are apparently moving in the right direction nice and steady. Time and patience is required for the performance progression. These fuses may be on the verge of blooming wide open. Thanks for the updates. Charles, | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Aolmrd1241,What you wrote makes perfect sense. However I can attest to the fact that the Red fuse does improve with additional hours of use, I just can't explain how or why. Keith if it turns out that the Red is the more musical and the Bla... | |
How can it be that some old recordings sound sublime? Celtic66,I believe that your assessment is on the mark, simple high quality equipment used in a simple /minimalist signal pathway. Sound engineers who seem to strive for a natural reproduction and relied on their ears. The vast majority of my ja... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Oregonpapa,I am honored, enjoy Mr. Counce and his masterful bass playing.Charles, | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Oregonpapa,Thanks for the initial listening impressions. I agree with David and believe more burn in time is required. Overall musical flow, ease and organic vibe is what works for me. If the Black eventually exceeds the Red fuse in this regard... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Hi Oregonpapa, OH yes, I like Lem Winchester, I have an excellent recording of him with Oliver Nelson called "Nocturne ". Nelson plays both alto and tenor saxophones and I'm sure you'd really enjoy it. The label is Prestige and it's very good. W... | |
A push-pull tube design and Single-ended class A designs Eddy,Given your speakers, the Cary integrated amplifier would be a more satisfactory match. IMO the single ended Inspire isn't powerful enough to manage your speaker's load demands. Technically this amplifier is a SEP (single end Pentode)rather t... | |
A push-pull tube design and Single-ended class A designs Eddy,Which is better will depend overwhelmingly on your chosen speakers, it really comes down to that. I've been using a 300b SET amplifier for over 6 years and there's no going back. Prior to this I'd use various push pull amplifiers for about 15... | |
Synergistic Red Fuse ... Oregonpapa, The size of your collection exceeds mine but we do share similar taste. I love the vibraphone. I don't have much of Tjader, but a lot of Milt Jackson, Bobby Hutcherson, Victor Feldman and Steve Nelson. I heard the youngest Marsalis... |