

Responses from charles1dad

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hi Bill,Yes,I like your approach,  begin with one in your CSL and just go from there. As mentioned above, Jeff's  Absolare Passion Signature Line Stage responded to the SR fuse every bit as much as the CSL.These are world class  components we're d... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Jeff (Jwm),I'm not surprised that Doug remains skeptical about the fuse swap tonight and the significant improvement due to the SR Red fuse. I like Doug a lot but he is the classic example of the "tech mindset" that holds an adamant stance based o... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hi David, Your comment about fuses and AC wall outlets compared to tube rolling rings much truth in certain circumstances. I've had the good fortune to audition 11 different brands of 300b tubes in my SET amplifier  (these include generous loans f... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Hi calloway,Given the ultra quality level of your system I must say that it is admirable a relatively inexpensive tweak has such noticeable positive impact.  I do find that impressive. Charles,  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Frank  (Oregonpapa ),I find myself in agreement with you often on this thread. The Black fuses definitely need more burn -in hours than the SR RED fuses for whatever reason. A few nights ago at roughly 60 hours of  use the music just bloomed  and ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I believe that the Telos,SR Black and the Beeswax are all upper tier level fuses. As with all competing top quality products the ranking hierarchy will vary due to different components and systems as well as listener taste. The Black fuses are fab... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hi gwalt,I suspected that the Beeswax fuse is an exceptional product and it's good to know that they're a fine fit in your system. I believe both it and the Black fuses will be genuine assets in virtually any good audio system. Please keep us post... 
Maurice White of Earth, Wind and Fire passes away
I grew up with their music in the 1970s when they burst upon the scene, many fine memories. May he rest in peace. Charles,  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Hi Keith, I honestly don't know enough about your digital source  or the fuse chips to give any meaningful or informed recommendation. I would think that Krell can answer your question concerning their amplifier fuse requirement. Charles,  
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
Oregonpapa, I'm listening to a lot of Roy Hargrove tonight. I'll assume that you appreciate his jazz trumpet mastery as well. Here are three recommendations. Excellent music.1, "Jazz In The Key Of Blue"2, "Approaching Standards"3, "Parker's Mood" ... 
Synergistic Red Fuse ...
I've been listening to the Black fuses the past 4 days. I've installed them in my DAC, Line Stage and amplifier mono blocks. I won't bother being redundant, Oregonpapa so thoroughly described their qualities so well. Àll I can say unequivocally is... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Bill,I believe that you'll hear differences from the stock fuses very early on. It may seem amusing given it's a fuse with its thin wire filament  but it does really improve with burn in time. As always Bill I'm interested to know your listening i... 
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
One thing for sure, a 1 amp fuse makes far more sense than a 7 amp fuse for a Line Stage. Why would the CSL need a larger fuse than the power amplifier (Frankenstein )that uses a 3 amp rating? Charles,  
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Hi Bill,My CSL is an earlier model than yours.  I bought mine new in Oct 2009 and very likely Israel has made changes since then is my guess. Charles,  
Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes
Bill,My CSL  has only a single 3 amp slo blo in the rear panel. 7 amps is really a Hugh value. The Frankenstein uses only one 3 amp fuse per mono block. Charles,