Responses from cey
How good is good enough? the best i can afford | |
Why isn't better quality used gear being made available? i dont see how, emergingsoul. i see what you describe and exactly what you name all the time. if ur looking to spend money theres no shortage of dealers lookin to help, many specializing in the audio you describe. some of em, the rare times they c... | |
Does it bother you when you see inflated MSRP’s for used gear on AG? yes. it bugs me on usam and anywhere else fake list prices are postaed. | |
Nowhere to hear speakers and amps anymore! im in memphis, tn i got a hifi shop (halford loudspeakers) AND a record store (goner records) down the street. got another record store (shangri-la) 1.4miles away. ive tried a fwe times but havent found any audiophiles interested in doing an au... | |
Have you seen the new McIntosh poster for $195? yes, @nonoise, an empty box for $1500 https://shop.mcintoshlabs.com/products/lb200-light-box naw man, this isnt an audiophile thing. | |
Looking for a great phono pre-amp in the $1000 or less range @tmortsd gives good turntable advice here are some <$1k phono amps that perform quite well, some ive owned and some i still own, some i havent: tube: tavish vintage $800 hagerman cornet $590 opamp: sota pyxi van alstine vision Q+ ... | |
magnepan @daveteauk its maddening, and it aint just magnepan. lots of hifi companies announce some product they dont havwe on their website that they dont update with any real accuracy. in my world there is a fad among businesses in the information age o... | |
magnepan did the LRS+ ever make it to the website? last i communicated directly with someone the wait list was a good few months for the LRS+, and it was nowhere on the website, and they still havent officially or started selling the bass or sub panel that... | |
Have you asked yourself this question? holy smoke, i agreed with jason bournes first 3 posts i didnt make it to #4 in fear of hell freezin over! | |
Does a record player make that much of a difference?? my short answer: the difference between an expertly made and engineered easily makes a big difference in performance over one thats not. among turntables that are expertrly designed engineered and manufactured the cartridge make an immediate s... | |
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker. @jacobsdad2000 the problem was my negligence not your reaction--i thoughtlessly jumped right into the discussion. all the best buddy. happy listening and keep that WAF high! | |
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker. why would you thank me for that??? i owe you an apology and an explaination. i apologie. i thoughtlessly assumed an audiophile on this forum was asking the question and skipped and missed the piece past the headline. @jacobsdad2000 is she an e... | |
Audiophilia: Is it the pursuit of audio excellence or just a desire to tinker. the answer: audiophilia is the pursuit and active enjoyment of audio excellence. tinkering is one of many activities, practices one undertakes in pursuit of audio excellence. like every other means of advancing quality of sound and performance,... | |
HAVE YOU ARRIVED AT YOUR FINAL SYSTEM AND WHAT’S IN IT? WHAT ARTIST IS YOUR GO TO? gettin there. got my 1. endgame automatic and manual tables, denon DP-65F and rega P3. 2. endgame preamp 1 of 2, van alstine fet valve RB 3. endgame DAC, musical paradise MP-D3 mK3 deluxe 4. endgame phono, tavish adagio 5. endgame speakers 1 o... |