

Responses from cey

Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
@roxy54 of course there are, and my assertion doesnt remove that from the realm of posiibilities or experiences, nor is it incompatible with the reality of high end speakers with built-in amplification. and still, you dont stick an amp inside a s... 
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
as long as they operate properly, active speakers are  a convenience like bluetooth is or a walkman or something like that. theyre not supposed to sound better. theyre not supposee to perform better. you dont stick an amp inside a speaker box for ... 
Sometimes you just get lucky
glad to hear, @dogfish! i was incensed and disgusted when the corporations conned and pressured the public into discarding the music they already had and replacing it all with CDs, which cost the music business next to nothing to make, at twice t... 
Time heals all wounds?
time doesnt heal all wounds. manybecome infected, go septic and become fatal. many wreck the wounded. some wounds u dont fully recover from. some you spend your entire life recovering from. but as far as that CD player, well...thats great!    
Phono Stage in inputs for 2 tonearms
Phono Stage in inputs for 2 tonearms
many have separate inputs for MM/MI  & MC. here is a start tavish adagio, classic, vintage modwright ph 9.0 modwright PH 150 herron ph-2a      
What is preferred/best contact cleaner these days?
well, @audphile1, the OP states at the very beginning, "I have been using Caig Industries DeOxit contact cleaners for many years now. I am tremendously happy with the results after reapplying every 6 months or so. I am shocked at how much better ... 
An ANSWER....of sorts......
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?
you get your thread deleted for mentioning a manufacturer? thats outrageous. are we supposed to speak in hand signals or toe taps under the ground, anagrams???  
Anyone listen to entire albums?
bouncing around song to song is as old as radio.   
Anyone listen to entire albums?
i mostly listen to records. always have. one side at a time.  thats how i listen to records. then i go to work  
Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?
@wharfy, i dont know what the real price of these tubes is, but tubedfepot.com typically sells at 2x-4x the legit retail price and even buy from retailers, just like any end-user, and jack up the price. their testing is minimal. theyre great for n... 
Spatial Audio Raven Preamp
is spacial audio the name of don sahcs work?  
Am I right for this forum?
it could be very easy to feel alienated from this forum. i like it, but its definitely a challenge. this one is far from representative of the audiophile community, so if youre not right for it, and if youre looking for a home, there are far bette... 
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? to make it sound even better, to make it eveneasier to get great sound.