
Responses from celtic66

The weirdness of it all
Well, it's done.  Two more Furutech 4.1 power cables added;  one to the music server, one to the preamp.  And the veil lifting continues.   The positive side, monies invested have rendered conclusive positive results and not been a waste of capit... 
Original Quads (57) - the perfect amp
Near everyone goes for tubes with these, but a Sugden A21SE integrated or the Bedini will garner some very good results.  Both Class A.  The Bedini of course will be aged and suffer from degradation like any electronics. The VTL Tiny Triodes were... 
Downsizing: Separates>Integrated --PSAudio>Pass Labs
Luxman 509X is REALLY musical and carries some serious current capabilities to run most anything.  Mine runs ATC 20 passives which are sealed boxes and kind of  knarly to run well.  Best success.  
The weirdness of it all
@audphile1  That Furutech outlet is sitting on the floor awaiting install.  Already have a great Oyaide complete, but will do that.  Thanks  
+1 jhnnrrs  He once revealed enough of his geographic origins that it coalesced into explaining some of the behavior.   I have lived and worked there...and in over 200 other places domestically and in other parts of the world, so the please stow ... 
Good Suggestions for Tube Amps under 6k
https://www.manley.com/hifi/mahi EL84 based mono blocks.  Sweet, quick and dynamic.  There is a pair at bigearstereo.com for not much.  4K used.  Best of luck with your search.  
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
https://tmraudio.com/components/preamplifiers/luxman-c-900u-stereo-preamplifier-c900u-remote/ TMR has the Luxman C 900u.  I purchased same unit from them months ago.    
New to Preamp - Preamp suggestion around 10k
Luxman.  Easily accessible in Asia for demo.  You can choose between SS or tube.  
Are Buchardt A500 Signature Edition A Good Choice For First Speakers?
Cannot speak to the Buchardt.  I can however speak to active.  Have owned/own  3 pairs of ATC and they are brilliant.  In your price range used ATC SCM20A PRO MK2.  Their reputation is earned in full.  Very dynamic with live sound.  Good luck with... 
Why are People Dumping their Audio Research Gear and What Does it Say about them?
One human emotion trumps all, uncertainty.  It moves markets, starts wars and makes people dump product when they sense uncertainty of support.  Period. Judging that as rational or not, completely subjective.  
Speaker platform
Covered ad nauseam.  General consensus on this forum seems: Isoacoustics Gaia footers work well for most and the Townshend Podiums are superior to those and cost a lot more money.  There are some really good observations when searched.  
I was happy with my system for 30 years; now I need a new amp...and more?
Epos ES 11 are still terrific! Upgrade the single cap internally and hold. If you keep the Epos you’ve 2K for used tube mono-blocks. Sweet. There are older VTL, Manley, Carey that show up. Cheers  
Class A Integrated amps
+2 Sugden A21SE.  But then I do not know your endgame.  It's an overwhelming performer for Advent speakers, probably sold that model of Advent in the day.  Great performers.....for the day.  Any receiver would drive them and be musical. The Sugde... 
Speaker recommendations :-)
https://www.musicdirect.com/equipment/speakers/atc-scm50-pslt-passive-tower-speakers-pair/ Any dealer will do, just like the speaker.  Life changing.  
Modifying Crossovers
+1 @erik_squires   I've "crossover component upgraded" a dozen pairs of decent mid-fi speakers with terrific success, however, these all had 20 cent caps in the crossover.  I never varied from stated values.   Always upgraded the wire also.  For ...