
Responses from cellorover

ConradJohnson: Tubes or S/State for Maggies.
Well, there you have it. CJ is a real option. However, we are split between tubes and ss...the same old story. Nothing wrong with that. It comes down to your inner self this time. The consensus is that you cannot go wrong with a CJ amp and your sp... 
ConradJohnson: Tubes or S/State for Maggies.
I have CJ equipment at home and it is now installed in one of my client's sound room at their factory (they manufacture speakers). Their speakers are rated at 85 db. They used a CJ MF 2500A and Premier 18 LS at CES and the sound was amazingly clea... 
Best integrated for under $7000
7K for an integrated! Wow! Brinkman or Pathos. 
CJ PV-14L vs. Cary SLP-88
I have been a passive advocate for years. I went as far to insert a stepped attenuator in my CD player. I was using a CJ MV 60 with a direct feed from the CD player. As great as the sound was, I still felt something was missing. Clarity, accuracy,... 
Has anyone done any worthwile tweaks to their...
The Swifts are a nice sounding speaker and for the money a great speaker. What are you seeking to accomplish with the mod? Meadowlark offered upgrades to all their previous speakers. So, yes, you can improve the quality of the internal wiring and ... 
How Do I Start Playing With the Big Boys and Girls
The speakers are fine and I do not think you need to change them out just now. They will hold their own for some time to come. You will want an amp with a minimum of 50 wpc given the speaker and room size. Your budget gives you lots of options. Ro... 
Rogue M-120 vs CJ MV-60 vs ARC VS-55
I agree, and as mentioned, Rouge may be a contendor to the CJ MV 60. I doubt if it is for the 60SE. The SE is a better match of transformers and tube than the original 60. There in no loss of any of the original MV 60 sonic qualities. The SE is a ... 
Amp for Sonus Faber Cremona's
What type of music do you listen to? Describe your listening room? What is in the rest of your system? These will all impact the amp selection. 
Rogue M-120 vs CJ MV-60 vs ARC VS-55
The CJ MV 60 SE is the only way to go. Depending on your preamp and speakers, the Rouge may be a contendor. But, it will be hard to beat the new CJ. 
How Do I Start Playing With the Big Boys and Girls
Let's start with the basics. Forget any brands for now. List your listening criteria. How big is your room? What is your budget? How fast or how slow do you want to move?Putting that aside, I have recommendations based upon power, price and compon... 
What's you opinion?
OK, set up is critical. Where's the shortcoming? At the dealer, manufacturer or user end?But what makes a good subwoofer?What is your ideal subwoofer? Obviously it is one also with good instructions. 
Have you ever deceived your wife-audio purchase
I am not sure if I ever deceived my wife, but I am guilty of selecting the more appropriate time to advise her that I have been looking at new equipment and that the situation was opportune. Not received a negative response, I moved forward. Well,... 
Conrad-Johnson PV10B vs. PV14L and MF 2250A
The 2250A represents both a build and sonice upgrade over the 2250. The A series is closer to the Premier line and offers better dynamics and overall sound. Cleaner, smoother. The 2250A and PV 14SE is tube sounding. Call Knut at CJ and he can give... 
Suggestions for small bookshelf speakers?
There is a pair of ProAc Signature 50s for sale on A'gon. These would be ideal for your needs. 
Best $4-7K speaker for HT and music?
Look at Genelec. Active speakers that were originally for the professional market. They start at $600 per channel or per speaker and go all the way up to 20K.