
Responses from cellorover

New preamp or other suggestions?
I tend to agree with some others that it is a speaker issue ...(especially after reading some new research from Europe on metal versus soft dome tweaters and brain waves)....but we could use some additional information. The last thing you want to ... 
Need suggestions for a new amp 200Wpc
CJ will be introducing a new Premier 350 amp. I would wait to hear it. It will be ss. 
Single input Line-Stage Pre-amp
I recently asked myself the same question and did a fair amount of research and experimentation. Many passive devices will reduce dynamics. Sound quality is also a function of the CD player output. AudioNote has tones of gain, so most passive devi... 
CJ Premier 17LS vs Sonic Frontier Line 3
It's a hard call. You really need to hear them side by side in your system. IMO the CJ is a more subtle preamp allowing you to hear detail, instrument and singer placement and inner harmonics. In some systems the top end sounds ever so slightly so... 
Lamm L2 Vs. Conrad Johnson Art II
Quick question: Are you comparing the Premier 16 Series 2 or the original 16? There is a big difference between these two units. 
Small room and Montana SP3 or EPS Speakers?
What is in the rest of your system and what type of music do you listen to. Price range? There are some good options. 
How would you rate ???
I compared Oval 9, Oval 8, AZ Hologram II and Harmonic Tech wires with three other people. We used two systems: CJ Premier 140 and Premier 17 and new Gamut amp and preamp. Oval 9 were cleaner and bit more open than the AZ. AZ were cleaner and more... 
Arcam CD82T versus CD72T
The 72T is a sleeper and is better sounding than the FMJ. I would recommend keeping the 72 and consider an upgrade at the preamp or amp end. Until you make that move, you will not truly get the most out of the upgrade to the CD player. 
Recommendations for tube amp to replace Plinius
It all comes down to your ears. But, IMO, a CJ MV 60 SE is the best route. New it is a little more then your 2500. You can get a MV 60 used for 16-1700 and then have it upgrade for 300. It is a wonderful and magical amp. 
Audio Note CD-2 Opinions
The Audio Note one box players are excellent. I have listend to them extensively. Rogue and Meadowlark use a CD 2 at the shows. I prefer the DC 3.1 over many players. It is quite, musical, detailed, fast, etc. You can listen to it for hours.The CD... 
CD player with quiet transport?
Describe the noise. Is it while the disk is spinning or more mechanical? The player more than likely has a nylon wheel that guides the disk from the top. It has metal edges and spins on more plastic. If this is the case, go to Radio Shack and buy ... 
Stands make a huge difference with ProAc
Proac are stand critical. Get the best that you can. It is the difference between loving and hating your speakers. 
Best Integrated amp for under 4k
Give a serious listen to the Brinkman and Pathos. 
Copland CDA822 VS Arcam CD33
If you did not listen to the Arcam CD 82T, then you should. It is better than the FMJ, despite price. Cleaner, more transparent, detailed and musical. 
What can you tell me about Metronome players?
Add the Audio Note CD 3.1x to your list. You will find it more transparent and musical than some of the others. It will hold its own agains many more expensive players.