
Responses from cdc

Good Sound under $500
Denon53, you might want to start a thread about phase plugs. What I can suggest is:1) Seas likes them because it reduces air pressure build up behind the driver so it moves more freely. May not be important if the x-over point is under 1,500 Hz.2)... 
Good Sound under $500
Hi Denon53, your welcome. I rec'd the CBM170, as I have not heard the Sierra, and it is a fine sounding speaker. It's a well designed speaker on the clean, accurate, side of the spectrum.I have always preferred drivers with a phase plug (except do... 
Good Sound under $500
Ascend Acoustics CBM-170 
Single driver point source speakers vs. the world?
Abby's are NOT single driver. They are a 2-way with a mechanical x-over.I second Johnk about Seas being the best IME as well. I use a super tweeter for some air above 13khz. Sounds like musical truth to my ears. 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
I agree with you. Just because a recording is not perfectly accurate does not mean you should throw the whole accuracy thing away. Just giving a different perspective that the best you can hope for is a perfect reproduction of the recording, not t... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Tholt, I agree that for many, the fundamental goal of stereo reproduction is the illusion of the real thing. Not so for photographers. Maybe they are saving themelves a whole bunch of grief not trying to chase down the impossible.Let's start at th... 
How do you judge your system's neutrality?
Has there ever been the assumption that a photo or painting could be mistaken for the real thing? Does that make it any less beautiful? Why should audio be any different?Sometimes they all bring our a beauty that was hidden even when we saw the re... 
Philips / MarantzProceed / Mark LevinsonAIWA (RIP) / Sony 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
It's not worth the effort. Make it simpler, with good sound, and they will come.For example, are there any good one-box systems that can compete with separates, AND at reasonable cost? No. Instead your stuck with a cajillion wires, power cords, bo... 
hearing tests - where and how?
I know an opera singer who claims some women can sing into the ultrasonic frequencies. He claimed audience get a tingly feeling or other type of physical response and enjoy the singing more because of the something extra being added.Mariah Carey, ... 
DAC with preamp and remote
The Vision DAC/Preamplifier City pulse 
What Is This Hobby?
It's an obsession because of the undefinability of it all. It's impossible to figure out what's right, what's wrong. You can't SEE music (unlike art or a car) and is constantly changing so how do you hit a moving target? 
hearing tests - where and how?
Right hereand hereAnd I never knew what music was supposed to sound like until I clicked on theListen to Environmental Sounds - Music button 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Parasound Z ampHow many amps at any cost have:* S/N ratio of 116db* Damping factor >400* Slew rate 90V/u sec? 
Why not horns?
Yes horns and omni drivers are a unique combo for sure.I've heard an omni-horn system. Sits on top of the local firehouse. Very clear, loud sound, but only one frequency. THAT gets boring in a hurry =;)