
Responses from cdc

Why does mixing quality'n'crap sound so good?
One word - synergy.Or as one wife said "It all sounds good, just PICK ONE!!!So your speakers were L200 and the interconnects were L925????? HHhhmmmmmm 
Audio Magic stealth - Really that good?
So has there been anything better to come along? I value clarity and conditioners like Exact power are said to change the sound - because of the transformer maybe. 
Audiophile Addiction
Kijanki, thanks. I'm glad you've found the Holy Grail. I always seem to be 1 step away.... . . . . 
Ten audiophile commandments
1) Have fun.2) Enjoy the camaraderie of fellow audiophiles. 
Audiophile Addiction
I enjoy playing with sounds -that's how I describe my time with hi-end audio. I would get real upset, real quick if I was going after the Holy Grail because:1) It doesn't exist, IMHO2) for the vast majority of the time, any stereo sounds fake comp... 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
This happens every summer when it gets hot and humid. Sound gets sort of dead and mushy. I thought it may be thermal compression of the driver but no way with my new speakers so it's either:1) paper cones, even when treated, get soggy from humidit... 
Compairson ground rules....should we have them?
Old timers here may remember Sean describing how components sounded solely based on measurements and how it was designed (layout, type of components, etc.) To that end, auditioning becomes less meaningful and even irrelevant. Some designers of com... 
How many electrons?
With all these electrons it makes sense, IMHO, and an old-school repair guy and confirmed:Proper design of audio signal should be at line level, NOT passive crossover components in the speaker.Geese, Wilson et/al charges umpteen million dollars fo... 
Anyone compared NAD and Cambridge Intergrateds?
BTY, measurement and design-wise the Zamp/ passive pre compares very favorably to the $1,500 Sim I-1. Maybe better as there is no added bass boost like with the Sim, YMMV. Just doesn't look as good and has no remote. 
Anyone compared NAD and Cambridge Intergrateds?
If he can live without a remote try a $329 Parasound Zamp v.3. It has little volume pots on the back or you can go with a $135 Luminous Audio passive volume control.I only suggest this as sound is silly-good for the price and a big step up in clar... 
Why Don't More People Love Audio?
Macrojack, interesting POV's. I agree that, given your situation, why should you believe in God? A thought occurred to me recently though that you HAVE to being following SOMETHING. So if you aren't following God, then you are following something ... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
A little off topic but anyone care to guess what Celestial Sunrise goes for? This is not even an original but the black and white is printed on paper and Peter colors in the rest with colored pencils 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
Jax2, that Richard Estes and Cornell stuff is realy thought provoking! Do you have any other favorites? Anyone else that can compare to Evind Earl? Just like getting into audio, I thought art was okay until I saw Evind Earl. That was something tha... 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
BTY Jax2, I did not see your post of 5-15-11 so wasn't even relating what I wrote to that but thanks for the explanation anyhow. 
Does 'Accuracy' Matter or exist ?
Hi Jax, I always enjoy your insightful posts. I thought the OP was referring to "accuracy" in terms of the chain of events - including the stereo itself- in the reproduction of the music, not the actual event itself. I can see you point about a mu...