
Responses from cat_doorman

Should I sell my Oppo 205?
I have a BDP-105 and have asked myself the same question. I don’t use physical media nearly as much anymore, but I still like to have the option. I don’t use it as a DAC or streamer anymore either. Most of the current sub $1k players I saw only ha... 
DAC- R2R, Chip or ?
I watched a lot of reviews. Read several articles. Looked into design philosophies. Decided I was going to have hear for myself, because no matter the design, it still must be executed well. Eliminated a few companies for distribution or potential... 
Why would 2 schiit aegir amps sound the same as 1?
Does it sound the same to you or just have roughly the same volume? Using balanced into monoblocks should yield less noise and better channel separation. I would think that would be the main attraction. I recall a Steve Gutenberg video that compar... 
rule of thumb: how long do you leave a tube preamp on versus turning it off then back on?
I don’t have an answer to OP’s actual question, but I thought I would restate it since so far most have answered other questions instead of what they asked.What duration of time left on is equivalent to the wear of start up for tubes?If you leave ... 
BS Node 2i: WiFi or Ethernet..?
I’m also running a Node 2i into a Qutest. I didn’t notice an audible difference between WiFi and Ethernet using Qobuz, but the little orange status light on the back of the Node when you have a cable plugged in bugged the hell out of me. Made my d... 
Pentode Power Tubes - Ultralinear vs Triode
@atmasphere always nice to get answers from an expert. They never really covered vacuum tubes in the few EE courses required for an ME degree, and those are only a faint memory. From further reading I gathered that the ratio of the screen-grid and... 
Pentode Power Tubes - Ultralinear vs Triode
Thanks for chiming in. Like so many other things, it seems the devil's in the details. Someday I'll know better than to think I can come up with a simple rule of thumb without more exceptions than rule.I suppose when you start getting into tube ro... 
pops and ticks from DAC
I guess I never posted a resolution. There were hoops to jump through, but eventually I exchanged the Node 2i for a new one. I limited output in Qobuz to 96kHz because the Oppo input has that limit for both coax and toslink. My local files are CD ... 
Zu Soul Supreme Recap -- Owners, what are your preferred system pairings with them?
“It’s better to regret something you have done, than to regret something you haven’t”I finally pulled the trigger on Soul Supremes. Now I wait. I just have to find out for myself how much better they will be than the Omen DW. The one downside is t... 
For those that use an external DAC with node 2i
The Node 2i has a perfectly serviceable DAC, but “good enough” isn’t usually the goal. I noticed an improvement running into an Oppo BDP-105, but the Oppo is limited to 96kHz input through S/PIDF. I’m not saying the sample rate makes a huge differ... 
What tests would you like all speaker reviewers to do for their reviews?
The acid test: listen.I thought MC was advocating LSD for a second there. Of course if you’re “altered” enough all music starts to sound like Pink Floyd (allegedly) so it may not be the best test. 
In my comparison experiment, go Lore or Lore Reference, or something else, for the same $
Update to the video comparing older model of Omen DW to Lore. Apparently the Mk II was a significant upgrade. 
Schiit Freya+ or Saga+? Vidar or Aegir?
From the comparisons I’ve read I got the impression that the Aegir is hands down better if you don’t need more power. I’ve also heard they sound even better run as monoblocks. (In which case you can’t use the Saga because you need XLR to run in mo... 
Schiit Freya+ or Saga+? Vidar or Aegir?
I’m using Zu Omen DW rated 97dBI’m have an NOS tube in now and there is more of a difference, but with the stock tube the passive really was pretty close. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I have issues with any kind of increased noise floor and... 
Schiit Freya+ or Saga+? Vidar or Aegir?
I have a Saga+ with an Aegir. If your source outputs at least 1.2V then unity gain with the pre will get full power out of the Aegir which should be fine with your speakers. The Freya+ may be better (I haven’t heard it), but for the price the Saga...