
Responses from cat_doorman

3D lifelike sound and impeccable measurements - mutually exclusive???
If it sounds amazing, then why would you care how it measures? And if it sounds awful, but measures well, that only makes you distrust your ears. I’ve heard or read numerous interviews with respected designers that may start with measurements init... 
Gripped By Upgrade Fever
There’s more than one way to skin a cat. And a whole lot of ways to design a speaker. If it isn’t implemented well any of them can have problems. Don’t get too hung up on how a thing is done. Focus more on what you like about the results. There ar... 
The Contour System – Directional Wiring of Audio Parts
Do you also have a sensitivity to absolute phase? I’ve often wondered if there is a correlation with cable directionality, but either my ears or my system isn’t up to the task. 
Stereophile's 2021 products of the year
It's not possibly to listen to everything yourself. It's not possible for anyone to compare everything. Why would anyone assume a list is meant to be comprehensive? It may be far from perfect, but it can still be a good place to start. There are l... 
how can low watt tube amps drive speakers with higher power requirements
If you push an amp into clipping trying to eek out more volume from an undersized amp then you can damage a speaker. A monster sized amp means it’s still just barely ticking over at volume likely to make your ears bleed. You’re more likely to dama... 
Low gain preamp options
@wrm57 I missed that difference between the LTA MZ3 and the pre. Before the level 2 upgrade option I thought they were pretty much the same except for the tape loop and single chassis. The MZ3 (with 12AU7s to drop the gain a smidge) is one that I’... 
Low gain preamp options
@georgehifi,not sure where you're pulling 2k from. I have one amp now with 22k input impedance, and there are a some others that I'm interested in at 15k and 10k. I just don't believe in limiting my future options without reason. I also have the b... 
Low gain preamp options
Thanks for all the suggestions. I actually have looked into a lot of them. (I did make an effort to search before posting.) I’ll probably need to resign myself to some sort of compromise. Maybe 10-12dB isn’t too much. It seems like some of my desi... 
Low gain preamp options
@verdantaudio it’s premature to start quoting custom equipment. I’m still trying to see what standard units are available.@tablejockey the recent thread on the EVO400 volume control did give me some concern and prompted this thread. Previously I f... 
Low gain preamp options
A passive might work with the amps I have now, but I've been looking at some others that have input impedances in the 10k range. When running at full volume that may be fine but at lower volume I think it might cause issues. If I remember right po... 
Low gain preamp options
Aren’t variable or adjustable gain preamps just adding in another attenuator on the input? So yes, you do get more useful range on your volume control, but you’ve also knocked down your signal so you can then amplify it again. Maybe that’s the onl... 
Schitt Saga tube buffer preamplifier gain?
I only have digital sources that already exceed the input sensitivity of my amps (1.2V). More preamp gain wouldn’t help my system so the Saga+ works fine for me. I have noticed slight differences in gain with different tubes but not enough to matt... 
Anyone notice this with PrimaLuna EVO 400 remote??
How much of the dial were you using in total? Too much gain could significantly reduce the adjustability in your preferred loudness neighborhood. I’ve been considering low gain tube preamps and the EVO300 was on my list. This sounds like an issue ... 
Schiit Saga+...What’s the point of the tube?
The passive mode is just variable resistance so the output impedance can get pretty high, up to 4.8k-ohms, which could be an issue with some amps. The active stage is a tube-SS hybrid (I’m not sure of the exact circuit topology) that keeps the out... 
Best stands so baby doesn't knock speaker over
A lot of stands are made so they can be filled with sand or kitty litter or shot or some other media for extra weight. If you only fill partially that can really lower the cg and go a long way toward preventing tip-overs. How much weight do you ne...