Responses from carlsbad
Think Its Possible To Order Tubes From the Ukraine? I have been buying tubes from the ukraine on ebay ever since the war started. I figured if I didn't get the tubes, the people there need the money more than I do. I have recieved every tube I bought. Have two orders in transit now that have ... | |
WOWWW used home pods wrong forum. | |
Is this a scam? Just to be clear, you don't need help from paypal to refund a payment. Open it up and there will be a refund button. | |
Tube Socket Savers, why? Like Aldnorab, I've used them to raise tubes for fit. I noticed that they fit so tight that it is hard to leave them installed and pull the tube out of them. Struggling to get the tube out of the tube saver puts stress on the socket. If somon... | |
What to look for in USB soundcard/DAC vs built in DAC in the monitor? You're not looking at great sound with either option. | |
Roon? does it offer subwoofer output volume control? Don't think so. I use it and if it has that I've never seen it. In general roon offers 2 channel DSP. Remember roon processes the digital signal upstream of your streamer which then goes to your streamer which feeds your DAC. No place for a su... | |
DAC recommendation in 5 to 10K range For just under 10k you can get a preowned Chord Dave. awesome. | |
Receiving my Townshend Audio Podiums Monday. How to? I have 150 lb speakers on podiums on hardwood. The podiums will slide on the floor and the speakers will move on the podiums. Extremely compulsive people like yourself often create problems for themselves i wish you the best in working through ... | |
Is this a scam? It may be a scam, and it may not. I have sent thousands of $ friends and family after I convinced myself the seller was up and up. But if I am even a little bit unsure, I take actions to protect myself. I suggest telling him the truth: "I am u... | |
Looking for Preamplifier with HDMI Arc...need suggestions I use my smart TV as a monitor. IMHO I think the streaming is best done outside of the TV. I wish I could have bought a quality 85" TV without smart electronics. My solution for an integrated HT and music system: I use a 7 channel HT receiver fo... | |
Single band, tri-band or quad-band mesh for streamer Hopefully someone who knows more about wireless will chime in. I have read up on it and to the modern internet crowd, that would make me an expert. It doesn't. But I can share my experience. 1. Everyone says, including vendor literature fro... | |
How to secure a large power cord to a piece of equipment? 3 comments: 1. Sounds like the socket in your DAC is a bit oversized. 2. I would not want tape of something else rigged into my connector to make it fit. Might as well just duck tape it in place. 3. Your DAC does not need a huge power cord ... | |
Dac and computer connections Lots of great systems out there using USB. I lean toward the camp of "usb is inferior" as mostly supported by those selling alternative technology. | |
Single band, tri-band or quad-band mesh for streamer ???? Pretty sure the extra bands apply only to communication between the base and the satellites. I would be surprised if any streamers have extra bands as they would have to interface with the proprietary mesh system. | |
What type of wire for dedicated 20A AC lines? Lots of advice here from people who don't understand dynamic loads. If you size your circuit based on your amps nameplate watts, you could run 18 gauge. I ran 10 ga to my dedicated circuits. 8 gauge will not fit in most outlets requiring a j... |