
Responses from calvinj

High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@ddraudt. It's a reminder of why I got them in the first place. I will just play and enjoy. I'm having a few guys over this Saturday to listen. 
Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?
@arsh congrats I can't wait to hear your full report on it. 
Taralabs cables
Keith don't get too hot you know how they are on this thread big brother is watching. Lol. Keep your enthusiasm my friend. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@tbg how are you. I been playing around with my system a little bit. A few cables and isolation products. I have been tube rolling that CD player and found an excellent match with the seimens. I'm going to doing more this weekend. I hope you are e... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@ddraudt I have gotten pretty used to this level of performance and I feel blessed that I have had the opportunity to listen to audio at this level. I look forward products pushing the envelope on where we can go with sound improvements. I guess I... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@ptss wow I guess you you were listening to my system tonight. I guess I was wrong someone on a forum was sitting in my house that I didn't know was here.@ddraudt anyway. I was listening to Cecile mclorin savant new album tonight. I also played Da... 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@ddraudt I thought about changing my interconnects and the high fidelity jumped up and slapped me back into my musical senses tonight. So close to the performance I apologized to them. Lol. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@ddraudt. That means that it is sounding great and getting better. 
Taralabs cables
Ohhhhh Andy! Floyd from the Andy Griffith show just fought back. I love that show. @audiolabryinth how is your system sounding. What kind of music you listening to! 
Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?
Well I'm using high fidelity ultimate interconnects and I'm using a clarity cable organic power cable. Sound great. The high fidelity stuff works for me. Please tell me how that acute 5 sounds when you get it. 
Taralabs cables
@zephyr24069. I might try that out then. Interesting to see how they would sound in my system. I'm glad they didn't do a men on audio skit. That would be just wrong! Lol. @andrew9405 mowing lawns is an honest living. BIG LAWNS BIG CHECKS! 
Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?
Tell me want you think when you get them? What kind of interconnects are you using with them. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
@ddraudt how are the improvements changing your system 
Taralabs cables
Cable company doesn't loan Tara labs out. 
High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz
Great. Resonessence dac sounds great. EAR Acute CD player sounds great. The high fidelity ultimate interconnect really work amazing with the EAR acute and Seimens tubes got this system singing.