
Responses from cal91

What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
twoleftears...good one 
All New NAD Master M33 Integrated Amp // GAME CHANGER ?..
highend666...You are either a very excitable boy, or you are shilling for NAD. We went through this type of thing on another recent thread for a certain speaker manufacturer. If you curb your enthusiasm a little some of us might even take some int... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
The truth shall set you free. I was listening to Coletrane' "My Favorite Things" last night and was enjoying the expanded sound stage and sharper imaging since I put in the SR fuses. It sounded like Coletrane was in the room with me. Roy Haynes' s... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
cakyol...If everyone reads your last post directed to me, it should go a long way to lowering the temperature on this thread. Thanks 
has anybody else noticed this about singers?
lukaske...I think Sarah Brightman has an incredible voice, but I bought one of her CDs, played it one time and threw it away. You're right, the recordings are terrible and her voice is somewhere in the background. The overblown orchestra completel... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
cakyol...Thank you for answering my questions. I have no doubt about your credentials. But, if I accept your assertion that fuses cannot possibly make a difference, what do I do with the improvement my brain perceived I got when I replaced the fus... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
Maybe it is expectation bias in some cases, although as I stated before, I went into it thinking SR Bluest were snake oil but thought I'd give it a try. I was shocked that my old ears heard a positive difference. If my brain will create an improve... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
spenav...I agree 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
I had to look up "NPC". Apparently it's a favorite insult of Trump supporters. From what I read it is directed towards someone who does not think for themself. How does this apply to cakyol? I don't agree with him on fuses because I heard a signif... 
Are all Audiophiles masocists?
mijostyn...Who was the "who cares" directed to? 
Are all Audiophiles masocists?
millercarbon...This is not an attack. I don't understand how a rider with a slower average speed than another rider, unless the slower rider travels a shorter distance, can win the race. It seems to me, that while it is unlikely that the racers wo... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
cakyol...nonoise wrote: "If you haven't tried it, then you simply don't know." You replied: "And I have tried it, many times." I'm not taking sides, but I am curious. Exactly what have you tried many times? What experiments have you personally per... 
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?
+1 ivan_nosnibor...It seems to be getting worse. Perhaps he should take his own advice from other threads and if he doesn't have anything positive to say then "move along". Hope he doesn't forget to delete his posts. 
What solid state power amp are you using with your Harbeth Super HL5+ speakers?
I use a Lyngdorf TDAI2200. I have no complaints. 
Am I asking too much?
millercarbon...A suggestion: Go to your window, open it, and shout at the top of your lungs: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!" You'll feel so much better after you get that built up anger (you say disgust) out of your system....