

Responses from cal3713

Magico Q5 and Pass Labs XA200.5 Synergy
I agree with this... "If 400 watts of Class A power is not enough, there is something seriously wrong with the speakers." 
New Thiel Speakers - Post Jim Thiel Era
All of this is very sad (this just taught me that Gary is gone now too)... I'll buy a pair of 3.7s in a year or two and that'll be the end of the company for me. Hopefully they don't disappear completely so that I can still get the speakers servic... 
Best Class A amp with SLAM
I also own the Pass XA.5 series, and although I love mine, it seems that these amps are a bit reticent in the bass/slam department. I've read that enough times from enough different people that I'm pretty comfortable attributing the issue to the a... 
Advice for new Integrated amp please.
I really enjoyed my Classe CAP 151 (before upgrading to Pass Labs), and you can get them with a phono card. 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Hchilcoat, I have an (unmodified) MacMini 2010 and compared it with an Oppo 93 as a transport. I wouldn't recommend either as a CD spinning transport. But ripped music through the mini absolutely kills the Oppo. Not the same model you're using, bu... 
Ayre mx-r vs. Pass xa 60.5
I don't know if it's truly related to "bass control and speed," but I've seen a number of people (myself included) comment that the XA amps can be a little soft on bass. Like Peterayer, that can lead some people to prefer the X series over the XAs... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
08-18-13: Glory3713,It was a joke about being lost without the Sistrum. You can set it on anything you want. Do you have a Lamp?~~No I don't, although I do find the product interesting and this thread cued me to do a little extra research on it. I... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
"If you don't set the the Lamp on Sistrum stands then all is lost."Wow, hyperbole much? 
What speakers should I consider around $5000?
Since you are also considering SS integrated amps, I would suggest the Pass INT-30A and the Hegel H300. I own the Pass and truly love it. Beautiful midrange that makes vocals incredibly realistic and just awesome soundstaging & imaging. I hear... 
Boulder has full page ad in Du-pont registry
Boulder also has a pictured ad on the back of a Grey Pouponjar.Awesome. 
Today's New York Times
I think the end of days prognostications are pretty premature. In all reality there are a lot of subcultures that are getting 20 & 30 somethings into higher quality music... For example, the "pitchfork(.com) hipster crowd" is pretty into turnt... 
PS Audio PWD MkII vs W4S DAC2
This doesn't appear to be the issue, but just for others' reference, I tried an Oppo 95 as a transport for the PWD, and it was really terrible. Lots of the bad characteristics that were listed above. I loved the Oppo's video, but it was really a p... 
Wireless keyboard and mouse
I use a macmini as a music server and for watching hbogo and netflix, and I've been really happy with a small wireless Lenovo multimedia keyboard/mouse. It's unlike any other options out there, as it uses an optical "trackball" like those used to ... 
advice on configuring a laptop windows system
Just a practical consideration, I suspect that USB audio will be the only option available on your laptop as very few windows laptops have any other digital output that can be fed to an external DAC. Some macs (maybe all?) have an SPDIF output, bu... 
Does Anyone Offer Audio Mods For A Mac Mini?
Glad to hear someone report on the Clones product... I was thinking about trying it myself, as it seems to be a very straightforward product. I've never been convinced that the technological advances in some of the other (more expensive) options a...