

Responses from cal3713

Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?
Don, what didn't you like about that JBL model when you heard it? 
Bybee Internal Speaker Bullets - user feedback?
Fortunately more expensive placebos work better than cheaper placebos... so the more you pay, the more you get, regardless of actual efficacy. 
Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?
Yeah, the irony of someone with a $5500 retail set derogating the terrible quality of the $20000 speakers is just awesome. So many egos in this place... gotta love it when they get squeezed a little (sorry Don). In any case, I'd still like to hear... 
Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?
Ha! Clearly Don_c55 didn't know anything about the actual JBL speakers that Dave_72 owns. $20,000 is not mid-fi. 
Not impressed
Djverne: Kind of bullshit that they just threw that in an old Pass labs case. I'd expect better for that kind of money. 
PS Audio Direct Stream
Mattnshilp - I would have pulled a very similar list to yours. I'm looking forward to the eventual post. 
Pass Integrated to Pass separates
I have Thiel 2.4s and auditioned both an XA-30.5 and a X250.5. Surprisingly, the 30.5 was a no-contest winner. Might be worth the RenoHifi shipping cost just to try the XAs, even if you (and others) would expect the amp to be underpowered. 
PS Audio Direct Stream
French_fries. A number of people on the forums (albeit some with vested financial interests) claim that adding a quality external converter/reclocker is a big improvement, so that would be the route I'd go over paying the $2500 to retrofit the unit. 
PS Audio DAC II or Bryston: two great machines
I have the PWD (II) and had stayed with the original firmware the entire time I had it. A couple weeks ago I switched to the newest one that supposedly had better signal quality. After a couple days I noticed that I kept turning down the volume be... 
What speakers work best with electronic music?
04-13-14: SchubertWith electronic music doesn't much matter.Cheapest Polk or Klipsch at Best Buy will do just fine.~~~~Good to know who's advice never to trust. 
Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power
Gee, thanks for the advertisement jdsaudio. At least you don't have to use the cables between your source and the pre-amp, that really must help cut down the cost. 
Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT
Unless they're designed that way, your speakers also look very close to the back wall. 
Views on Siltech cables with Pass Labs Pre/Power
This thread is about what I expected... the more people who join the conversation, the more companies that get recommended. I know cables matter, I've heard that in my system, but it's so easy to end up purchasing a wire wrapped in snake oil. 
New Thiel Speakers - Post Jim Thiel Era
I would just like to chime in that I too have had nothing but great interactions with Thiel since all the changes happened. They just did some "warranty" work on a crossover for my first generation smartsub, that I bought used and must be > 10 ... 
Who did hear the new Pass Labs .8 series amps?
Whitecap. On the XA 30.5 vocals (and tonality in general) were much more natural, with better instrument placement and a more 3-dimensional soundstage. This was true whether I was listening to Kanye West or Sonny Rollins. The 250.5 had a bit of ha...