

Responses from buscis2

balanced is inherently flawed
Hence, back to my "quasi" balanced theory.I think it's pretty safe to say this thread has run it's course.I'm gettin' my chain saw. I gots some theories to prove.TIMBER!Did you hear that? 
balanced is inherently flawed
If a tree fell in the woods, and there was nobody there to hear a cymbal......I mean........If a cymbal fell in the woods........I mean........No. If a tree fell on a cymbal.......Would it vibrate like a.........If........What were we talking about? 
balanced is inherently flawed
Sean, good response, as was Ralphs. You have acknowledged many of the positive aspects of balanced circuitry noting the absolute most important point. Most notably, your point #3. There are MAJOR differences between "quasi" balanced circuits and "... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Thank you Herman. I often have a hard time deciding which sound is more pleasing to the ear, "Kind Of Blue" through the YBA, or 390 cubic inches rumping away on 110 octane Cam-2. The motors in both of those cars are being run "full balanced", but ... 
balanced is inherently flawed
Herman. I really apologize for your computer mishap. I should of stated that the first link is an Adobe PDF file. My bad. I have provided the actual web link below in hopes that you may read the white paper contained within. It is some fascinating... 
balanced is inherently flawed
What a strange coincidence Herman. That's exactly what this designer said.And this designer.And this engineer.And this prosound company.I don't know Herman. I respect your opinion, although almost all of what you wrote, even though beautifully art... 
What is the advantage of a balanced interconnect?
Nothing like a nice fresh sirloin burger on the grill, I always say. 
Searching for Fender Rhodes in Jazz or Fusion
Bob, what I find most interesting is that the Rhodes, along with the Hammond B3 and the Mini Moog are ALL on the way back. Restored Rhodes pianos are selling for more than when they were new. A LOT more. A Hammond B3 with say....a Leslie 760? Over... 
Searching for Fender Rhodes in Jazz or Fusion
BTW, for anyone who may be interested, you can sample Max Middleton's new album on the link below. It will also provide you with availability as it is very hard to find Max's albums.Enjoy, Ed.http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/middleton%20 
Searching for Fender Rhodes in Jazz or Fusion
Johnmilner, if you remember Jeff Beck's masterpiece "Blow By Blow" you would probably remember the wonderful Rhodes piano palyed by Max Middleton. His new release is absolutely incredible. His Rhodes sound goes back to Cat Stevens.Below is an exce... 
A difficult LP reproduction question
I'm sorry Albert. When you click on the link, it brings you to the home page. On the top of the page click on "phono preamps", then scroll down to "KAB Souvenir Mk2" vintage signal processor. Ed. 
A difficult LP reproduction question
Hi Albert, I find it interesting that you are also delving into 78rpm reproduction. A very close friend of mine (and music fanatic) initiated burning CD compilations of 78s that he has collected for 35 years. A lot of older opera recordings in par... 
What is the advantage of a balanced interconnect?
The 2nd harmonic is one after the first harmonic, and two before the fourth harmonic. 
Which Tonearm to go for VPI HW-19 III?
Steve, many of the dealers of cartridges and turntables, (Elusive Disc, Acoustic Sounds, Audio Advisor, Etc,) will carry the MkIV upgrade. It can also be ordered from VPI directly. I can tell you that VPI is really backed up and presently the Arie... 
Which Tonearm to go for VPI HW-19 III?
Steve, Sdcampbell hit that one right on the head. The MkIV upgrade is VERY significant. I also use the RB900 arm. If you can afford the MkIV upgrade, do it. Your stock RB300 arm may fall slightly short after the upgrade. Although, your 300 arm can...