Responses from builder3
Do you live in a rural or smaller area with no Audiophile Support Nearby?? @celtic66 "Audiophile support? What pray tell is that?" Code for sales staff. | |
Have Luxman 509x. Considering Pass Labs INT-250 or Dan D’Agostino Progression Integrated @denon1 , thanks for the post. As an L-590AX owner, your comments are interesting. | |
Dog pissed on speaker @thecarpathian , the post about not living in a dogs bathroom means train your dog so that it knows better than to piss in your house. For me, people that have pets that are allowed to grow up like a weed are pets I don't want to be around. Not on... | |
Handling Heavy Amps Worst case would be to leave it on the floor until you could arrange to have some help. I wouldn’t let the inconvenience dissuade you. | |
How does a preamp die from sitting unused for a few months? Depends on the storage. Anywhere unheated, or under-heated can be a problem. Things can draw moisture, which leads to corrosion. | |
Intermittent audio dropouts when streaming Qobuz Hi Res files on Lumin streamer I had problems with my Lumin T2 streamer until I changed internet providers and stepped up about 100x in speed. Went from about 3mbs to 300mbs, all my problems disappeared. This was with Tidal. | |
for Technics SU-R1000 owners....unit already discontinued? where to service? Me, too, it can devolve pretty quickly. Take care. | |
for Technics SU-R1000 owners....unit already discontinued? where to service? gkelly, do you believe your comments about a MAGA rally are any different? Or your characterization of the poster as "living under a rock"? Your post is no different than czarivey's, it's just the flip-side of the coin. | |
Luxman leaves me wanting That 590 has 30 wpc in Class A, and about 65 more in AB, into 8 ohms. I can't offer much advice, maybe borrow or try some different cables, to start. I have the Luxman L-590AX, which is the version prior to yours. None of the issues you mention ... | |
Best Covers Adam Levine's cover of The Way You Look Tonight. | |
Best Covers Steve'n'Seagulls cover of Thunderstruck | |
Cream — Stormy Monday Just stellar! Thanks, soix. | |
Are there any issues with connecting speaker wire in this manner? The solid-core copper isn't inherently brittle, but it work-hardens. Each time it is bent, that area becomes harder, and after being bent a handful of times, it will break. Use stranded wire, strip the ends, twist them together well, then the for... | |
Speaker Cables : Moderate priced | |
Led Zep Fool in the Rain Well, not Led Zeppelin, but I'll throw it out here, somebody might get a kick out of it. |