
Responses from builder3

My Apologies to Miller Carbon
Nice thread. Ozzy, maybe they had already been $1000 of pita, lol.  Miller, thanks for your help. 
Average Price Spent for Speakers
Everyone reading this, please respond if you will. What is the average price you spend on a pair of loudspeakers? What determines that expenditure amount? Earlier in your hobby life, what determined how much when you were a neophyte? Also, for non... 
Another New Lumin User
Thanks, guys. I'm still reading at the Lumin website.  
Help with first cable upgrade.
DH Labs 
Wow. Just added the Lumin T2 to my set up...
Looking forward to it. Fedex dropped the ball yesterday, so I don't have it yet, hopefully tomorrow. I exaggerated a little, I had a cheap streamer for a few years, was okay for what it was, but it wasn't capable of running Tidal or anything like ... 
Wow. Just added the Lumin T2 to my set up...
I just bought a T2, it will be here today. I'll be back with a hundred questions, I expect, lol. This will be my first real streaming device, looks like I have a lot to learn. 
The Luxman L-595A SE integrated is coming.
Styling cues from the Alpine era? That’s a swing and a miss. 
Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" MFSL vs Classic Records
I always do my critical listening on YouTube. Preferably, with my cell phone. 
The grace digital link internet radio
I understand completely, and I also enjoyed mine. I just think Grace Digital dropped the ball in a big way with their previous customers. And while I certainly enjoyed it, and thought it was a great value, in no way would I claim that 'far more ex... 
The grace digital link internet radio
I had one of Grace Digital's previous streamers. Considering the epic way that became a paper weight, I won't be sending another nickel their way. It was a great product, right up until it was shut off. 
Uber expensive repair at United Radio
dasign OP171 posts05-25-2021 5:39amMy options:1) Pay over $2,000 in repair cost and keep my $6,000 monoblocks 2) Refuse the repair estimate and try to find a repair shop which has Classé Audio CA-M600 schematics, parts and repair expertise?3) S... 
Need help: turntable market in the $1500-$2000 range is overwhelming
Another vote for MoFi. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Blood, Sweat & Tears - MoFi Ultradisc, wow 
About the importance of the room vs the electronics
Wales is on the water, not actually in it.  So it floats? 
Is the appeal to euphonic distortion learned?
I would think undoubtedly, arafiq. I mentioned this briefly on another thread. Not too long ago I was listening to a record, and I actually cupped my hands behind my ears. The result was staggering, the soundstage was immediately enormous compared...