
Responses from budt

B&W 800 series diamond
My comparison is only from memory but the improvement is quite dramatic.I have heard a number of very highly touted bookshelves but have never really been blown away by any of them.At one time I had the previous 805S and didn't have them long as I... 
Should I buy the B&W 804d's or 805d's
Xti16 Your post is rather misleading. According to your other posts you bought the Dynaudio C1's long ago.So there is no way you compared the 805D to them since it wasn't released till just recently( atleast 2 years later than what you claim). 
B&W 800 series diamond
I just heard the new 805D today.It is a startling upgrade from the 805S. It is probably the best bookshelf I have heard( atleast imo) . I am anxious to hear the new 802Di and 800Di now. 
Wilson Sophia 3
I have also seen it mentioned in a number of threads in regards to problems with the finish on Wilson speakers.I for one do not expect to have "finish" issues when paying 20-30 grand or more for speakers. 
Anyone solved MF Tri Vista SACD problems?
No, MF is to blame for not thoruoghly testing and stock piling transports like any responsible company would.( ie Bryston has stock piled over 4000 drives for their cd players). MF products can become obsolete in every way even before the warranty... 
B&W 800 series diamond
I just wanted to bump this up to see if anyone has had a chance to compare these. 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000
I just use a heavy duty generic power cord and it sounds very good.I tried some very expensive power cords and I personally could not hear any difference with my Bryston gear or this( not saying there isn't a difference but rather I simply am not ... 
Sony SCD-XA5400ES vs. Bryston BCD-1
The Bryston has more pin point imaging but the Sony sounds more airy and natural in my system.I also find the bryston a little bloated in the lower midrange/upper bass region( too warm for my system). 
Bryston 4B SST2 & a pair of B&W 803 D speakers
I had the 805S, 804S,803D and now the 802D. All were powered by a Bryston 4b sst, bryston bp26 and various cd players. Don't even waiste your time on the 805S as the 804S is better in every way. Again the 803D kills the 804S but the 803D is alot m... 
Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES
I didn't have the 9000 but had a SOny scd-1 and the redbook playback wasn't even close to my Simaudio moon eclipse( I owned both at the same time). I sold the Sony almost immediately.The redbook playback of the xa5400es is miles ahead of the scd-1. 
Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES
I never heard the xa9000es but I had a Sony scd-1 and it was terrible on redbook cd compared to the Sony xa5400es. I guess if you have never heard a good cdp you might think it was good. 
Redbook CDP under $1,000 used
Just buy a brand new Sony xa-5400es for about 200 more with a 5 year warranty.Besides, I highly doubt you will find anything south of 3 grand that will touch it. 
Anyone solved MF Tri Vista SACD problems?
It's not known as Musical Fatality for nothing. 
Sony XA5400ES DAC Chip
I bought mine from AT . They were pleasant, professional and with on time delivery.What more can you ask? 
i want that "sony" sound
I had a sony SCD-1 but the newest Sony xa5400se kills it at a fraction of the cost.