
Responses from budt

DCS Scarlatti
Murataltuev Under your "system" it appears you have already owned the Scarlatti full stack for some time now. Am I missing something( is this a second version or something)? 
anyone had a listen to the b w 803d's
Just to clarify the above post. I don't think the Simaudio eclipse is necessarily a better player than the others mentioned but in this instance I think it would suit the 803D better. 
anyone had a listen to the b w 803d's
I used a Bryston bp26 pre, bryston 4b sst amp . I had a couple of different sources, an Esoteric XO-3 SE and bryston bcd-1. However I think a used simaudio moon eclipse would be better than either of these. 
anyone had a listen to the b w 803d's
I have to strongly disagree with those referring to B&W as a dinosaur brand living off it's reputation .Few others spend the resources on R+D that B&W does.I can almost bet we will see a completely revamped line for the B&W 800 series ... 
Musical Fidelity Tri Vista SACD
Talk about deja vu. I just saw the exact same issue today with the exact same machine.Infact the words VERY EXPENSIVE PAPER WEIGHT were used. Anyways,it appears you are not alone by any means.I have heard numerous complaints from other audiophile... 
Simaudio's NEW Moon 750D DAC/Transport
I miss my Eclipse.Infact I am kicking my ass I sold it. What is the msrp of this new unit? 
B&W 801 vs 803s
09-28-09: Bjesien"There are a number of brands I don't care much for, yet I will rarely if ever even comment on them."That's kind of weak. What is a forum if you don't have some level of disagreement and challenge other thoughts? We don't all have... 
B&W 801 vs 803s
I continue to be fascinated by all those posters who hate B+W, Wilson etc. Why do they keep responding to threads about a product which they claim to have no interest in?It really seems to bug the hell out of them when someone likes something they... 
B&W 802 N vs. D
It is in his SUBJECTIVE opinion which is entirely valid for him but no one else.It seems to be the reason there is so much debate in audio.How can you say a $100K amp SOUNDS better than a $500 dollar one? Now,measurements are a different story as ... 
B&W 802 N vs. D
WHy do people who hate B&W keep responding to B&W threads? I will answer my own question: Most( not all) audiophiles I have met are complete geeks who can't seem to tolerate others opinions and tastes. They have the typical "small man atti... 
B+W 801D
One for the main reasons I was inquiring about the 801D was that I currently have the 803D and am able to trade up at the dealer getting full value for my 803D's. Unfortunately he does stock that 801D so it would be a blind purchase.Thanks so much... 
B+W 801D
I have heard a number of people who really seem to love those 5a's.Infact I can't really recall any real hostility towards the line. I will definitely make it a point of hearing them. 
B+W 801D
Thanks for your insightful input. However,is it possible to get top shelf sound out of these with proper system matching or do they have weaknesses that simply can't be overcome? Are there better obvious choices in your opinion? ie tannoy cantebur... 
B+W 801D
What are some speakers which yopu feel easily trump the B+W's ? I was also strongly considering the larger tannoys but am open to suggestions. 
B+W 801D
I think you are the one who is upset cause you were obviously caught lying.You indicated that you owned them( the 801D).In a previous post you also claimed to have owned the 802D. In yet another post you claim to " I am not a fan of b+w".Anyone ca...