
Responses from buconero117

The age old question, price-performance
Maybe a $60 Sony 595 from SonyStyle. I dare you! 
Voice. Most powerful and natural instrument.
Yes, check out Katherine Jenkins, a UK super star. 
What credit cards do you use?
None, I always expect and get a cash discount of at least 5%. I have found all the 'benefits' of cards to be really worthless. 
what speakers demand high end electronics
Wilson. High power tubes will cost you about $50K. 
Princeton Record Exchange
Very important that you bring gloves, the grim and dirt will provide a very unpleasant experience. I've been to the PRE often when I lived in Princeton, its a feast or famine affair. I've often wondered why they don't offer a cleaning service on s... 
Phono stages under 800 to compete with ARC PH3
I had the same experience as Rdavwhitaker. I give the edge to EAR. I would also look into the Nighthawk. 
$2500 speaker threshold
What you really need to think about is an 'ear threshold', and your listening room. I've heard many $1K speakers sound much better then there $5K brothers. Best to ignore price points, settle on monitor vs floor stander, and then audition the hell... 
What CDP gets really close to vinyl?
One that costs $90K, as reviewed on the high-endaudio.com site. Sal is drooling, since he cannot afford such joy. Hey, there is hope, if we get to audio heaven. 
For 75-85 dB a few watts are enough so ...
Some need it to break their lease. 
Is the Phile sound an Aquired taste.
Only if you don't want the most beautiful vocals. 
Flawed? Wilson's Aspherical Propagation Delay
Flawed, yes. Its a business model thing. Think about it, the bigger the 'boxes', the higher the price you charge. The 'effect' of Wilson speakers can be purchased at one tenth the price they charge. Wilson prides itself on a bigger is better appro... 
Newly into vinyl;
Tubeo is right on, most cartridges that have not been played in over ten years will suffer from 'rot' So much for 'NOS". Try a Shure 97. I have been very happy marrying that to the 47F, which is a great table. Also, get a steam cleaner and put to ... 
New CDP or new DAC?
New CDP, sony 595 refurb from sonystyle for $60. 
are all used LPs dusty?
Generally yes. The paper sleeves have a tendency to crumble and that leads to dust. A lot of good tips on cleaning posted, but don't forget steam cleaning as the best answer. 
As always, the only way to determine if any speakers 'work' for you is to have them in your room, connected to your gear. If a dealer will not accommodate that, move on, and consider all the comments Elizabeth made.