
Responses from buconero117

Have you treated your listening space?
The room, and the way you treat it, is everything. Until you get it 'right', you will never know how great your gear can sound. Only a dedicated listening room, properly treated will lead you to truly know what 'high fidelity' sound is all about. ... 
Great films where music is a central theme.
"The Mission" has it all, great music, scenery, actors. Also, it created one of the best 'wedding' songs that is constantly being recorded. 
Which components are "stupid good"?
Components? Does the power juice qualify? 
Can Redbook CD Be Saved
Shortly, as a revenue raising scheme, the government will offer all CD's material in the 'cloud', paying you $5 for every physical one you turn in and allowing you access to that CD's material. It is called 'control'. How do I know all this, well ... 
Best 2CH SACD Player for $2k Or Less, New or Used?
Stop fooling around, go for a sony 595 at $60 from SonyStyle. I dare you to spend more until you 'hear' it. 
Is preamp remote volume a deal breaker for you?
Check out Cayin, most of their tube amps have a remote. I have the 100 and I am very pleased. 
GIK, Rives, Real Traps
Mikewen, you are on to something, which will take time. Real Traps was very helpful in doing my acoustical treatments. I sent them a layout of my room and set up and they came back with a custom, fitted treatment that was spot on. Professional hel... 
California Audio Show-why I hate audio conventions
Elizabeth, if it were not for the 'middle aged farts' hi end audio would not exist, as its business model would have long ago put all the hi end vendors into bankruptcy. It will be interesting to see what happens as the 'twenty/thirty somethings' ... 
Where is the next generation of direct drive?
Denon recently came out with a 'classic' DD, which is a rework of its less expensive units. I've heard it at a dealer and when compared with the VPI on demo at the dealer, I could not tell the difference. 
Need help with speakers to be inside a cabinet
'Dealer 3) wants a deposit before he tell me what he suggests. Kind of wierd but I guess I understand'. You know, my doctor said the same thing just before he was going to operate, saying I might die from his hand so he needed to 'get ahead of the... 
about stereophile magazines recommendation of belk
Cable demons are alive and well, taking you hard earned money. If a cable meets the EEIE spec, there should be no performance difference. Yes, there are cables out there that do not meet spec, and they should be returned to the dealer for replacem... 
110" screen for JVC 3D projector
Go for the best, a Stewart FireHawk, all other will disappoint. 
Looking for opinions on Tannoy Prestige line.
My first speaker was a Tannoy, yes a single speaker. Loved the sound, smooth and laid back. I moved on to K-horns, Proac and am now thinking about JBL Everest. I have heard the Kensington and Everest and think the Everest better meets my needs, es... 
dac or sacd?
Nothing beats a refurb sony 595 for $60 from sonystyle. It is a sacd unit with a great optical out. 
Studio monitors for listening to music?
Looking for a 'deal'? That is no way to go about doing serious 'listening'. Best you grab a pair of NHT 1's. Very musical, no bass. Should cost about $100.