
Responses from buconero117

When buying through Agon a buyer should always-
Check the sellers eBay account and only pay via paypal. 
Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge
Yes, nuts anyone would be buying such high priced junk. That Fremer did just not return the original cartridge and be done with it, suggests it was the price point that seduced him. Fremer fell into the hi end trap of 'the higher the price, the gr... 
Safe to play record with gunk?
Steam is the answer. It is the best gunk be gone device you can use. It would not damage the grooves. Available at Walmart for under $30, last a lifetime. 
eBay is the best guide that is available, I didn't say perfect, but available. In the nineties, Blue Book was highly reliable, but then lost its way as its sale reporting became almost non existent. All they did was run computer generated data tha... 
Super Cheap Upgrade
How true, ear cleaning does wonders. Thank goodness Medicare pays for two cleanings a year. Most commercial insurance also pays, but final cost depends on your deductibles. For those thinking of the DIY route, please just say no. You risk the loss... 
Is the V.P.I. Traveler made in China
Made? Depends on what the meaning of 'made' is. Well 95% of the Traveler parts come from China, but it is assembled in Cliffwood. So, does that qualify to say 'made' in the USA? 
Investing in a SCD777ES with a DAC
Think Oppo 105, new better technology. Maybe even better sound. 
At What Age Does An Audiophile Buy His Last Amp?
Well I'm 75 and still attempting to do the 3% squeeze. Don't know what I will do at 85, when I am working on the 1% of the squeeze left. Just hope I have some hearing left to make it worth while. So, when will you buy your last car? Never happens!... 
price point to move to separates vs integrated
Elizabeth is on to something - separate power supplies. All things being equal, that approach will give you better sound. I suggest you map a path to acquire a good tube pre amp and use it to feed the input of your current power amp, assuming it i... 
Chassis damping material
Moongel, available at stores where musicians buy drums. Six dollars for four pads. They work. 
Interconnects that offer a mid-bass lift
Better to look into a high end equalizer. 
Best way to improve my Theater with $1500.00
Do nothing until after you move. Once you are in your new home, access your needs then. If you are like most people when you move into new digs, there will be many, many more needs for the $1,500. 
Sony SCD777ES laser assembly repair
Time to move on, junk the 777. Repairs, if they work, are just too expensive. Sony typically charges about %400 to make the change. Best to consider a new Oppo. 
need help with outdoor system
Just buy a high end boom box, and let it rest. 
VPI is Introducing a high-end Direct Drive Table
I am sure Harry will want to sell you an electron microscope table, $100K, to rest it on.