
Responses from buconero117

ISO advice for completing first hi-fi system
Don't, life will be so much simpler. Stick with your iPod, get some ER ear buds and invest all money saved. Me? Well, over the last fifty years I have spend about $150,000 on gear and media. When I do the investment calculation, I would have over ... 
Sometimes the record companies got it right....
Good music is always about the A&R (Artists and Rroprietor) of a record company. Without it good music never gets to be heard. 
Advantages of a tube CD player over an SS player?
All things being equal, and they never are, especially the DAC chip, tubes should sound better. 
Marantz service
I think you have discovered that 'service' for electronics is an oxymoron. Best you trash it and move on to another unit. You will sleep better. 
Are music servers the future?
No, unless iTunes gets into the business. 
What started you on the path to being audionut?
A visit to the Electronic Workshop in Greenwich Village when I was 16 years old. The K-Horn (mono days) and tube electronics, and Thorens took my breath away. Soon I was buying Marantz and McIntosh. I still remember that visit. 
New Amazon streaming music-free for Prime members
My price point is $7.99 per month, no more. With the intense competition I don't think I will be waiting long. 
Within five years the China goods will expand their distribution with direct sales being made in the USA. Count on it. 
Room Treatment
As with most people who go down the room treatment road, they neglect the ceiling. Often because there may be lighting that cannot be blocked. However if that is not the case, some treatment can be very effective and not very expensive. I have see... 
Oppo, great sound, great value. 
Strange, vinyl was pronounced dead ten years ago. I think by the same people who tell us CD's are dying. So, stock up on your CD players, I have ten of them, don't what to become an orphan. 
cd/dvd repair ot trash
It is just not cost effective to repair, especially given that the technology and cost of new units is constantly improving. Think about it being an opportunity to advance you enjoyment. Think Oppo, great products, great values. 
The Power of Assumptions
Maybe the 'assumptions' should be replaced by 'bias'. it effects everything we 'think' about. That is the way we are 'wired up'. Yes, it is often well to replace the 'wires', and if you are into audio, it must be oxygen free copper at $1K a meter. 
Tascam BR-20T is good for a audiophile system?
Unless you have good source material, that is tapes in good condition and a properly aligned BR-20T, you will be very disappointed. Most pre-recorded tapes, in good condition are hard to find, especially two track running 7.5 ips. I currently have... 
Subwoofer: should we even use them at all?
What's the expression, 'its complicated', and it is. Installed and set up properly, matched to the right pair of main speakers, it can add much to your enjoyment of music. Done poorly, it can spoil your existing sound, and make you much poorer. I'...