
Responses from brf

801A Tube Amp for Horn Loaded Speakers
Quicksilver makes a 801A based amp?? Which model? 
Burn-in time for a Shuguang 845B tube?
I forgot to mention that tubes have the greatest chance of failure in their first 25 hours of use. Even if you buy tubes used or have them burned in at the factory, tube internals can shift during shipping, and this is more true the larger the tub... 
Burn-in time for a Shuguang 845B tube?
Chuckie, some will argue that no tube amplifier should be left unattended to avoid the risk of fire in the event of a catastrophic tube failure. 845, 805 and 211 based amplifiers have over 1000v applied to the tube’s grid, therefore, by the nature... 
Burn-in time for a Shuguang 845B tube?
In my experience, new 845 tubes take around 50-75hrs to open up. In the early burn in stage, you will find the dynamics restricted. Unlike some other power tubes, 845 tubes should not be left on unattended, therefore, the break in stage will gener... 
How much sand/shot to put in Dynaudio Con 1Stands?
I use a combo of bismuth, sand, and kitty litter. The kitty litter is used to absorb any moisture in the sand to avoid internal corrosion. 
What cartridge for VPI and SOTA
If you don't try them both on each table you will always be left wondering...... 
Is this enough power?
Experiment with both the 4 and 8 ohm taps as you cannot hurt your amp or speakers. 
How to reduce anti-skate on Graham Phantom B44 II
Is your table level?? 
What are some favorite NOS 12AX7s for phono?
3D Sound stage, lush mids and extended highs:CV4004 BrimarPhilips Miniwatt HollandAmperex Bugle Boys HollandPhilips HollandMullard Long plates (early 50s) 
Is this enough power?
Your speakers are rated at a nominal impedance of 6ohms but what matters to your tube amp is the real life impedance swings during varying frequencies. If your speakers offer a relatively benign 6 ohms and your amp has a 4 ohm tap, you should be a... 
Bryston 4B SST2 19" rack mount: rack suggestions
Contact Bryston for a list of their Pro equipment dealers as they will stock rack mount stands. 
Cable help with SET amp
Your system is not what I would call a typical SET setup. The amp is a parallel 845 producing 30w into a fairly inefficient speaker. Most of the information that you are reading regarding higher gauged cables etc. are based on flea (2A3) to low (3... 
Is Upgrading Degrading?
A better analogy would be that you just heard Tchaikovsky: Symphony 6 "Pathétique" in B minor Op. 74 performed by The NoName Symphony Orchestra and now you would like to hear the same performance performed by either the Berlin Philharmonic Orchest... 
Where will my powercables be used best ?
Mix and match until you find the right combination. Unfortunately, there is no short cut as each system is different. 
turntable motor speed
Most dc motor come with a controller which varies the voltage output to achieve the desired speed. The better the quality transformer and controller the better the speed stability (see Origin Live DC motors). A few of the higher end tables with a ...