
Responses from brayeagle

Classical Music for Aficionados
Since today is Lenny Bernstein's 100th Birthday, I'm listening to his  Mahler 2nd Symphony 
blue jeans cable?
Where are you getting the parts and maintenance to keep it flying?And, there's the small matter of relative thrust and vertical climb capabilitiesJust asking 
blue jeans cable?
No match for my F-22 😂 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
The trick, for most of us, is to buy at the knee of the curve. 
Have transports improved for Redbook CD playback?
I'll agree. That was my input, not the manufacturer's.  The BCD-3 has only 1 master clock  that controls both the transport and DAC rather than the DAC slaving to the usually inferior transport clock.  
blue jeans cable?
No Immelmanns for me - - - maybe for you, as I'm above you and have a lock-on. 
Have transports improved for Redbook CD playback?
You might take a look at the Bryston BCD-3. I love mine. RedBook CDs only. No SACD.  Superb DAC and OEM transport. No jitter. a thought 
blue jeans cable?
geoffkaitI'm an old fighter pilot. Had you in the circle in my gunsight - - - all the way. 
New speaker cables for my Bryston Mini-T's
I’ve used Blue Jeans for years. Cables from my Bryston 4BSST2 to thy Thiel 2.7s are 10 gage BJsCouldn't ask for better. 
Whats in your second system?
I live in an interior townhouse, flanked by people who still work. My bedroom system had to yield to not disturbing the neighbors, so, I have a Magnum Dynalab FM tuner feeding a BP-6c preamp, with   STAX Lambda Pro Headphones from the preamp.  We ... 
Recommendations for a few high SQ classical CDs
For two classic performances of the violin concertos:Heifitz: Beethoven Violin Concerto Munch/BSO, and            Brahms Violin Concerto Reiner/CSO    RCD1-5402 
Thiel Owners
Tom, I have an SS2.2. I'll have to move it out from the back wall to get the serial number.(It weighs a short ton!) The 2.2 has a different "back panel" than the 2. Looking back, I probably got one of the last ones produced, as when I went back to... 
Recommendations for a few high SQ classical CDs
George, If you have Beethoven's 9th by Cleveland/Szell, hold, on to it.  
Thiel Owners
Tom, When did they close out the SmartSub line? I was able to get one of the last SS2.2, together with a PX05 that had been modified for the 2.7s. I tried to get another 2.2, but my dealer had closed his Thiel line due to delivery problems.   
Thiel Owners