
Responses from brayeagle

Good transport for under 1K?
Two of my grandchildren have extensive collections of Redbook classical CDs. They both use use the Cambridge, with a separate DAC, and both have been very pleased with the transport.  I used one before acquiring a BCD-3 spinner. No problems with t... 
Will the Thiel CS2.4 fit in my car?
He said the pickup was at UPS, meaning the speakers will be crated. 
Will the Thiel CS2.4 fit in my car?
You don’t know the H x W x D, plus the gross weight of the containers / crates. Best to get a van - - and a friend to help you load and unload them. Carrying and moving shipping crates can easily be a two-person task.Been there, done that, got the... 
Bass and treble levels
eric_squiresGotta' agree with you about the quality of current tone controls. . Unfortunately, some of the earlier CD recordings certainly need treble cut. 
Thiel Owners
profMy son will inherit my system. He's measured the 2.7s and has built shipping crates for them. He did remark he's thankful he had the carpenter's tools to do the job.   He called it a royal PITA! 
Headphones? I could use your experience/thoughts.
Another vote for the Grado cans 
For those of us over 60..
John Phillips Sousa(I'm well over 60!) 
Thiel Owners
giantasalamiI had 3.5s for several years. Excellent for all types of classical music (including organ).  They DO need an amplifier with cojones. Jim Thiel suggested the Bryston 4B, and I was grateful for that advice.  
Upgrading my Redbook after 18 years
twoleftearsEnjoy your new BCD-3. I've had mine for about six months, and my Classical CD collection has never sounded better.  
Thiel Owners
Glad you're a happy camper with the SS2. I'm the same with mine and the 2.7s.Enjoy!! 
Thiel Owners
I used a Bryston 4B with mine. No distortion at louder levels. 
Thiel Owners
If you choose the 3.5s, be sure to get the equalizer 
Advice for killer desktop speakers
If these are for your computer, the B&W MM1 speakers may surprise you. They have their own DAC, and connect to the computer via a USB2.  
Whats playing on your system today?
Mahler 2nd Symphony: Bernstein 
Bryston owners
Running a pair of Thiel 2.7s with a Bryston 4BSST2. I've used several different preamps, including two with balanced outputs.  Since there's only a  short 30" distance between the preamp and the 4B. I couldn't discern any difference between balanc...