
Responses from br3098

Excellent Speakers for Classical Music - $2,000 USD Budget
1. I will second  stevea11757's suggestion for Shahanian Obelisks. Or Hawks. Or Diapasons. You can never have too much of a good thing.2. I will disagree with the estimable atamasphere. Most speakers I have owned I felt were better with certain a... 
Headband type magnifier w/ lights for TT setup
I use headband (loupe) magnifiers with lights for some tasks, like very fine soldering and desoldering. But I don't find them useful for cartridge work for a couple of reasons:1- most headband loupes are 10x or higher. That's too high to be useful... 
A solid tube photo stage around 1500
IMO in that price range and and based on my experience:1- used K&K phono preamp. Look for one that Kevin built and not a kit.2- Croft, either the entry or middle tier model, not the 2-box version. MM only so you will need a good SUT for LOMC. 
Klipsch Forte III vs Altec 19
The Forte IIIs are nice speakers but IMO do not sound anything like a Model 19. Not to say better or worse, just very different. If you like the Model 19s why don't you just buy another pair of 19s? Or Model 14s if space is at a premium.While I pr... 
Speakers for Manley amps
IMO you are going about this bass ackwards. Pick your speakers and then pick your amp to match. Just my opinion... 
B&O Beomaster 1000
B&O Beomaster 1000
Nice little amp. Not a lot of power but I'd use it for an office or desktop system. They seem to go for about $50-$100. The only problem is that the old electrolytic caps are probably shot and need replacing. The cost of doing so will exceed the v... 
Sound Absorption Behind and Between the Speakers?
Before you jump in sound absorption I suggest that you consider covering the window with materials that will mimic the absorption/reflectivity of the rest of the wall behind the speakers. What you are looking for, ideally, is uniformity across the... 
Rekokut Turntable model NL 33H...Anyone Familiar with this model ?
I have a restored a vintage Rek-O-Kut N-33H turntable. My Uncle got hold of it from a radio station and gave it to my Dad in 1969 or so. Dad used it until about 1976 when it got retired to the garage.I restored this one about 20 years ago. N33 dec... 
Quicksilver Mid Mono - power matching
spotconlon - the Quicksilver Mid Monos are very good amps. They can work well with a wide variety of speakers. The operative term here *wide variety*. Speakers come in many shapes, styles, technologies and price points.But it's hard to provide use... 
The Truth About Preamps
FACT!!! most sources today that have variable volume output have output stages that equal and sometimes better most preamps, especially tube ones.George, what analog source doesn't absolutely need a preamplifier gain stage?I have been in this ga... 
Kanazawa speaker. Who has any experience with these?
Heard of them in passing reference. Probably online in a forum somewhere. Have never or heard them. There's a lot of very small batch, obscure Japanese audio gear that never made to the states. Try some Japanese audio forums. Google Translator is ... 
IMHO (and friend's) opinion of acrylic platter
The difference between platters is much greater than even that much VTA.@millercarbon  What, seriously?I have mounted hundreds (if not thousand) of cartridges in my otherwise wasted lifetime and I always use the "ear" method for making final adj... 
Speakers hung from ceiling on aircraft cable.
In terms of losing bass, just remember that most concert speakers are suspended. Mmm, some but not most. That's why JBL makes 18" bass drivers and stage managers use plenty of 'em.Also remember that concert stages are usually higher than the au... 
Another review of a tweaked Denon DL-103R ??? Oh no! Boring? Surely not! Please read it!
@ultima700  Jose, I am not offended and no need to "unfollow." I apologize if I touched a nerve but I stand behind what wrote. Objectivity is one of the keys to believability. Again, IMO.