Responses from br3098
Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state I think that Cary may have give you some bad information. I agree with @rhtowson; there is no reason why you can't run solid state rectifiers in your preamp. While I prefer the sound of tube rectification, there have been situations when I have us... | |
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble? @lalitk I have owned a lot of SUTs over the years, including Ortofon ST-80 (great w/ SUT cartridges), Bob's Devices w/ Cinemag transformers (highly recommended, and Bob is a great guy), A123, various SUTs using Hashimoto HM-5 & HM-7 transforme... | |
Technics MK2 > Pear Audio Blue Integrated Amp Mitaliano, the Pear Audio Blue Integrated amp does not have a built-in phono section. Yes, there are a pair of outputs labeled phono but but there is no phono stage in the box. You will want to use a good tube phono preamp, preferably the Pear Aud... | |
Step Up Transformers….Are they Worth the Trouble? I have been an SUT fan for my entire audio lifespan. I am still a huge fan of SUTs, but lately I have heard several head amps that have blown me away. To my ears there is a subtle difference to the sound between the two - all of my SUTs have a sig... | |
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ? I prefer to advise edges first (speakers and source). But if I had to pick just one it would be speakers first - the last transducer actually creates the sound. Source is important, but if you can't reproduce what the source can provide then what'... | |
Omega The Seven Bookshelf Speakers I had a pair of Alnico 6s a few years ago, before the pandemic. I liked them quite a bit. The image (soundstage) was great but they were quite rolled off at the top and bottom end. I have found this to be true with most single driver speakers. I c... | |
Shouldn’t Do This, but… @goofyfoot I would advise you to NOT do this. Yes, you can replace the receptacle but you are almost certainly breaking the terms of your lease if you do so. And you are inviting a lawsuit if your improvement somehow causes a fire or other problem... | |
JBL L-200T3 original owner I had a pair of JBL L200 T3s for years. They are fabulous and inexpensive. Need to replace the foam surrounds is a common issue but it's an easy fix. They are probably worth approx. $800 or so in good shape and are notoriously difficult to ship. ... | |
Buchardt A10 Review in Hi-Fi+ Magazine They are a small monitor speakers with solid wood cabinets. They don't seem unduly light (or heavy) in the hand. | |
Best Vintage Speakers for Classical & Jazz music What do you consider vintage - age or popularity? I'm a big fan of the Valencia speakers but one of my favorite "vintage" speaker for acoustic music is the Shahinian Obelisk. Properly placed in the proper room there are few speakers that will repr... | |
Ortofon SPU-GT Mmm, you could do that, but why? The SPU-GT was produced in the days when MC cartridges were a rarity and matching step-up transformers even more so. I had one once and it was... just OK. You can do better. Any of the recent SPU cartridges, even t... | |
why balanced power last before component? @cleeds You are correct, Equitech units like their 1.5 and 1.5QR do provide balanced power. In my response I was assuming that the OP was looking to balance the power load for his whole home. I reread his post and realized my error. My apologies. | |
why balanced power last before component? I hate to be the guy who farted in the elevator, but... ...with regard to residential 120VAc service in the U.S, "balanced power" doesn't exist for all practical purposes. Theoretically you could create true "balanced" 120VAc power starting with ... | |
Besides the BBB how do you fight claim resolution against FedEx I'm sorry about your loss. This has happened to me many times and shippers almost always fall back on "packed incorrectly..." But IMO shippers are also almost always right. Most folks who buy and sell used audio have no idea of how delicate audio... | |
McIntosh MC275 vs Dynaco ST70 I think @viridian covered it pretty well. I appreciate the ST-70 design but most of the original units sound pretty noisy, by today's standards. Especially the user-built kit amps. The new ST-70 clones can sound pretty good but they have a specifi... |