
Responses from bpwalsh

Power Cord Burn-In
Information on the book, Electronic Properties of Materials, by Rolf E. Hummel, may be found here. It is more about the concepts rather than the pure mathematics and has been praised by many.Brian (sp) 
Power Cord Burn-In
Morbius, I'm well aware of what FCC and BCC structures are as are others here, but you might want to look up Dr. Rolf Hummel's book wherein he exhaustively explains in technical terms how and why the break-in phenomenon occurs, covering high and l... 
Help who the best?
Unishippers.com may be the most economical and as good as anyone else. They are a shipping broker and use various ground and air freight carriers. You may have to have a business to use them but I've found their rates to be extremely competitive. ... 
High-end hifi market share
Don't guess, get the data from CEA/EIA who publish it. 
anyone heard the usher 6 series speakers?
Sounds like proof by assertion, Bartokfan, although I'll grant you Seas makes pretty good stuff. Ever heard of Audio Technology? Probably not, as they do custom work among other things.Brian 
audio research or wife
Between the two, I definitely choose wife research. 
Kubala-Sosna cables?
Keithr, cable break-in is no joke. Some people have measured differences between identical cables where one was broken in and the other wasn't, although the equipment and the knowledge needed to do so are costly and substantial, respectively, whic... 
should everyone just order emm?
i may as well jump in a lake and swallow a snake.Do you trust your own ears? 
Otl's with AvantGarde Duos?
It seems to me the primary goal of an OTL is to eliminate hysteresis loss and bandwidth limiting imposed by output transformers. Since David Berning's patent is about another approach to achieve that goal, may I suggest that the results are all th... 
from a Krell SS- FPB 600 to What Tube Amp ?
Before thinking about amplifiers I suggest you settle on loudspeakers, as you indicate you want to change them as well. A bit of information on your room and music and listening preferences would be helpful, otherwise you might be throwing money a... 
Why the switch from Kharma/Tenor to DarTZeel/VSA
Discounts of that magnitude certainly are not standard, but you didn't give your source of information. A manufacturer that gets 50 percent or less of retail list price for his product sets the price higher to compensate. Consumers don't always know. 
Lamm M 1.2 against Tenor 300 and Boulder 2060
Two people whose ears and judgment I trust outside of my own, one who has earned significant success as a high end speaker manufacturer for quite a few years, evaluated the hybrids and the OTLs and preferred the OTLs which were clearer and more re... 
Why the switch from Kharma/Tenor to DarTZeel/VSA
Rwd - Kind of makes you go "hmmmm"! 50 point discount, too! 
$4000 to spend on a SS power amp - help me choose
Yes, I owned a pair and they are powewrful indeed but no soundstage depth and too hifi sounding for my tastes.I've always had tons of depth with the JC-1s as have my customers (I'm an authorized Parasound Halo dealer), but they do sound thin while... 
How international is your system?
cartridge: Japanturntable: USAphono stage: USApreamp: USACD transport: Japan/USADAC: USAamps: USA/Taiwanspeakers: USAcabling: USAline filtering: USAHmm, not very.