
Responses from bpwalsh

is Plinius Sa102 "enough" for SF Amati ?
I doubt it, unless you are listening only at low levels. The SFs work best with very 'muscular' amplifiers even though their sensitivity ratings may not indicate it. Otherwise they may likely sound dull and lifeless. I agree about a proper power c... 
Esoteric DV-50: Any cdp's Significantly better?
Sounds as though you all had fun. Although the overall results aren't too surprising they're quite interesting. Seems the modded players did at least as well as the other units auditioned. But then I'd have to hear it for myself in a high resoluti... 
More Efficient Sound Labs on The Way?
I'll chime in, too, as I've owned Sound Labs for several years and also am a Sound Lab dealer. The Thors may likely be a good match with Sound Labs, depending upon how they can handle the complex load. Other than that, I can report that a substant... 
AtmaSphere vs. VTL
With what associated equipment? Are you asking about amplifiers, preamplifiers, or both?Brian 
Comparing sound of Tenor 150 HPs vs. Lamm M1.2
Hi Jayctoy - I agree about getting hooked. Come check out the big fish sometime :-)Brian 
Mcintosh vs Parasound
No, the amps don't forget what they've been through :-) The amps need to be on with music playing through them. The volume can be very low. Most often people just leave a CD on repeat.Brian 
Mcintosh vs Parasound
Dre_j, the thinness goes away after about thirty days with the JC-1s, and dynamics, weight, air and focus nicely improve a bit further down the road as they become, if you'll pardon the expression, faster sounding - they get out of the way of the ... 
Comparing sound of Tenor 150 HPs vs. Lamm M1.2
Howie, I have a lot more experience as an audiophile and music lover than as a dealer. I've been the former for thirty two years, the latter for two or three. Having been to many dealers across the country as well as in my own area (Chicago), I've... 
Silly Question...does a transport have a "sound" ?
The partners in G&D are Ben Gilsdorf and Tony DiGiovine.They stopped producing the UTP-1 transport several years ago. It's terrific especially when modded.Brian 
Mcintosh vs Parasound
Hi Sea2,JC1s might surprise you; Perfectionist is right that break in takes time, with signal going through, not just powered up, but it's well worth it. Send me an email for info and ideas on preamps if you'd like.Brian 
who lives where?
Chicago area 
The question "The Acoustat Delema"
Find a pair of the Acoustat direct drive servo amps as used in earlier models such as the Acoustat X and Monitor III. If you do, contact me and I'll put you in touch with a couple of friends who are very familiar with the amps and ways to improve ... 
ARC vs Atma-Sphere and ARC vs VTL Amplifiers
Hi_hifi, are you the same person who just posted over on the SLOG site? Where are you located? I do offer some of what you mention, although ARC isn't something I demo nor would recommend over the others.Brian 
Difference between CAT JL1 limited and jl3
One difference is that the JL3, which replaced the JL1, uses Teflon circuit boards.An earlier response I tried to post was not posted because it contained a warning about a seller. Contact me for information.Brian 
Comparing sound of Tenor 150 HPs vs. Lamm M1.2
Thom, with all due respect, I urge you to get on a plane and go listen to the stuff. You aren't doing yourself any favors by relying on others' opinions of expensive audio gear that ultimately is a matter of personal taste. Buying blind is not wis...