
Responses from bpwalsh

Brinkmann Bardo and Tri-Planar VII-U armrest issue
Acadie,You might be good at setting up tables, but most people spending anything approaching what you did deserve and expect better service from the dealer.I learn not to depend on a dealer to set up your analogue several years ago.It's obvious yo... 
Brinkmann Bardo and Tri-Planar VII-U armrest issue
Whoever sold you the table should have come to your home to set it up, including full cartridge alignment, at no additional cost. At almost any level of purchase I would expect that. 
What is the best planar or electrostatic speaker?
For what it's worth: Faxer, the person who started this thread, appears to be the same person (searay328@msn.com) who posted this on Audio Asylum and had it promptly moved to Whiner's Woad. I'm surprised the thread remains at all. 
Garrard 301 platter upgrade.
Happy to hear the new platter is working well for you but surprised that magnetic attraction was not addressed in the previous one. 
Clearaudio Azimuth Optimizer V Fozgometer
I am biased because I have been using the Feickert Adjust Plus Pro software ever since it became available and have aligned dozens of systems, all to good effect. The software's azimuth adjustment part measures not only crosstalk between channels,... 
Why so many cut Nordost Odins?
Charlie Hansen of Ayre posted this about a similar brouhaha of a few years ago involving Jonathan Valin and TAS. 
Poor man's Rockport Atrias?
As a non-interested party, I have to say Soix's post was a breath of fresh air. Not much to add except save up as needed and do it before you kick yourself for not. 
Franco Serblin R.I.P. What happens to Ktema?
I have only heard them at shows but certainly did not find them to be bright. Neither the manufacturer nor the distributor (Arturo Manzano, Axiss) would accept that. But yes, I should think that a dry sounding amplifier would magnify any such tend... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Autoformers in finished boxes showed as costing over a grand. A barebones version would be less i suppose. Es speakers can be pricey, so its all relative i suppose.Mapman, your original comment wasAutoformers cost more than many speakers themselve... 
tube amps and electrostatics
Autoformers cost more than many speakers themselves. That's a factor to consider in the equation that can't be ignored.Have you checked the price on Zero autoformers? Even in the finished boxes I cannot see how your assertion could possibly be true. 
True Sound Works Apogee Diva Ultimate - Any Good?
The speakers you listed are all very different from each other. Which one you choose will depend on your room and associated equipment to a large degree -- some require a large room, and some require enormous power and/or biamping. I have not hear... 
Any experience with EZ-80s, 5687s or Bendix 6900s?
Considering he has been made aware of the replies, I am very disappointed. 
Clearaudio master reference vs Feickert Blackbird
Altanpsx, I was the first Kuzma dealer to set up a 4Point on an SME 30/2 for a customer. The customer had purchased a blank armboard from SME (they refuse to machine one for anything but their own arms, yet the blank armboard was $1200), which was... 
Any experience with EZ-80s, 5687s or Bendix 6900s?
Apologies are very much called for by the two posts after mine. I also asked questions about your strong accusations of the distributor stealing "your" DAC chip and screwing up your player. Add to that the kicking of someone while he's down (perma... 
Any experience with EZ-80s, 5687s or Bendix 6900s?
Brian Kyle of Xtreme AV in southern California sent you the Bendix 6900s on good faith that you would send him the money for them. I understand they were good and strong when he had them, yet only now the performance of the tubes is brought up. Th...