
Responses from bolong

The Wonderful World of CD-R's
Thanks for your suggestions. I have currently landed on the Plexidisc Taiyo Yuden which are performing very well. Looking at the write side, a very clear reflection of my face appears unlike many other discs which send back a cloudy reflection. Wh... 
From whence does Sound Stage come?
"From Whence" - Shakespeare  
The beauty of the manual loading trays is that they don't wear out. The internal mechanism guiding the laser will though. Probably the optical unit itself will wear out first though. I would advise anyone just now buying a unit to purchase extra o... 
Stereophile Review of CDT3 Mk3 I suggest that everyone interested in this CD Transport read Atkinson's review. It was not at all unflattering, and the final note on bits was that engaging the 4x upsampler captured all the bits which is why I run ... 
I have both the Jay's CDT2 Mk3 and CDT3 Mk3 - both good units. The most important thing I learned after graduating to these more capable players is that using good CD-R's (I am using "Maxell for Music" blanks) and using .wav files burned onto them... 
Pee Wee Herman has passed away
"[Holds hand to ear] Shhhh. I'm listening to reason." - Pee-Wee Herman.  
People Who Affest Electronics
@bondmanp Very few people know about the connection between accidental childhood electrocution and wordsaladosis. You must be CIA.  
The Wonderful World of CD-R's
That HHB suggestion is much appreciated. They are now under the brand "Burlington." which can be found on Amazon and Ebay. 1x-12x record speed (even as slow as 1x-8x.) This could prove interesting. I think the slowest record speed on my Dell deskt... 
People Who Affest Electronics
The topic does bring to mind the possibility that our electronic systems may be interacting with us in a manner unexplored and unsuspected.  
Pee Wee Herman has passed away
The big question on everyone’s mind - did Pee Wee go to Heaven?  
People Who Affest Electronics
I have a friend who is a "slider." He was at a party at my home a few years ago, and I told him he could drink all of our wine he wanted, but he was not to touch my stereo system. He was notorious for f-ing up electronics.  
Thoughts On Turntable Clamps And Weights
The flywheel effect attained by a weighty clamp might be worth the price of admission by further stabilizing rotational speed. The coolest record clamp I ever saw on Youtube was vacuum with a flexible seal on the perimeter which pulled the record... 
As A Youngster, What Unit Puqued Your Interest In All This?
My mother played classical piano and my dad played blues Coronet. We had some sort of system that played vinyl 78's a lot.  
Whats playing on your system today?
Linda Ronstadt with Nelson Riddle Orchestra -  album "What's New."  
The Snob Appeal Premium
True 'dat,