
Responses from bolong

My new review for The Absolute Sound comparing AGD GAN amps with BHK300’s
A question for any AGD Audion owners hanging around - have any of you had experience with the earlier iterations of the output stage "tubes?" I am curious about how they sounded compared to the current "mk3's."  
My new review for The Absolute Sound comparing AGD GAN amps with BHK300’s
Miroslav Tadic and Yvette Holzwarth - "Luka" The virtuosity of the "Luka" album has become one of my favorites for exercising the GanFets and showing what they can do. They do stringed instruments very well indeed. Quobuz has it.  
My new review for The Absolute Sound comparing AGD GAN amps with BHK300’s
Audio Analyst Review of Gran Vivace  
People complain about lack of bass, not enough mid range. Solution?
Lately I have been wiring my Cornwall 4's with 10 gauge "western electric" cloth covered cable to the lower speaker taps and and then using jumpers to the allegedly "treble" taps on the Cornwalls with 16 gauge of the same vintage wire. Technically... 
Could Class D really be that good?
Further miniaturization of everything everywhere is inevitable.  
My new review for The Absolute Sound comparing AGD GAN amps with BHK300’s
GAN Sanity A pleasant article with no gnashing of teeth.  
My new review for The Absolute Sound comparing AGD GAN amps with BHK300’s
What I have found with the Audions is that their sound can be modified quite starkly by various power cables and interconnects - moreso than any other component I have encountered.  
FedEx - strange shipping progress (to UK)
Fed Ex Issues  
Flexible Power Cords
I recently loomed out my system with the discontinued Shunyata Delta NR V2 power cables in 6 foot lengths. The Audion Mk3 amps alone use Anticable Level 3 cables to slightly warm things up and boost bass. Very nice to arrive at this place.  
Could Class D really be that good?
Is this thread studiously avoiding mention of Class D GanFets?  
FedEx - strange shipping progress (to UK)
Both FedEx and UPS are struggling a bit in the US with UPS recently announcing lay-offs - probably because Amazon is competing with them in more and more markets.  
People complain about lack of bass, not enough mid range. Solution?
I just spent a few days playing with different component positions of power cables - (Shunyata Delta NR v2's and Level 3 Anticables) plus fiddling with the controls on REL S812 subwoofers - all this after doing some room treatment. Quite amazing w... 
Audiophile Comedy
The photo does not look "shopped." It is as real as a heart attack.  
Cable Break In for the Naysayers
It is probable that cable break-in is most obvious on horn speakers given their sensitivity notoriously so in the treble regions. It is in the upper registers that my Klipsch Cornwall 4's demonstrate break-in most unequivocally. I never "adjust" t... 
Changes to Orchestra tuning.
I was being facetious. However, increasing the string sections "brilliance" with the higher tuning might be considered an increase in "loudness."