

Responses from bo1972

Parasound JC-1 vs. Pass Labs X350.5
Pass Labs is superior in sound realism and has a bigger stage. Why you don't listen to them both? 
Amp for Sonus Faber Amati Futura
Amati is a difficult speaker to drive. I only heard them good a few times. You need power and lots of ampères. Boulder is for drive and speed a good option. To be unnest in sound realims they are not the best. Also in 3d imaging there are better o... 
Cables more hype than value?
Ofcourse you can and you are allowed to be happy :) with your Naim. It still often depends about knowledge. There are enough peolple with sets which are based and focused on sound. ( very important part) I understand why people like Naim. It has a... 
Cables more hype than value?
During the time I visited many people at home I was amazed about the poor level in sound many people have. They spend often a lot of money and they still play at a low level. Often they are not happy with it, and it is clear why!! 
Cables more hype than value?
I asked them why you bought it? They said; we loved the sound and didn't know about individual focus and depth. Wenn you give them a demo of 3-dimensional sound they al say the ame thing: this is superior. So again; it is that simple! 
Most transparent open & dynamic cables out there?
I don't care about a brand, if another brand has a better product this will be the new refference. It is that simple! So keep it simple! 
Cables more hype than value?
I met people who owned Naim and they did not know what 3-dimensional sound is. After hearing it, they said: next time I would go for a 3-dimensional sound. Wenn people do not know it, they do not know what the difference is. 6 months ago at the sh... 
Cables more hype than value?
I auditioned Naim often. With different speakers. To hear if there is depth is quite easy. For example speakers who give a lot of depth as well amps can do...or not. Wenn you play the same recordings on naim almost every instrument is standing on ... 
Ayre mx-r vs. Pass xa 60.5
I thought I would like XA more over X series. But I am not so sure anymore. I think I will update within 6 months to 350.0 or 600.5. Because the extra drive and speed in the low freq is that addictive. I still have a very overwhole warm sound. I o... 
I will explain why I use the 6 of Jacintha is her name album. The contrabass is on the left side of the recording. Wenn you put the subwoofer on the right side you can hear how it integrates with the speakers. First the contrabass needs to be very... 
I tested many subwoofers in 15 years of time. You Always need a closed subwoofer with only one bass unit in the front to get stealth integration. SVS does not have the fastest response in movement of the speakerunits. How you test this? Always in ... 
Most transparent open & dynamic cables out there?
The difference between Transparent and Audioquest with dbs72 is timing and blacks. The Transparent do not have the blacks of the new Audioquest cables. Also in timing Audioquest is better. It is that simple. I am always looking for the best, the r... 
Most transparent open & dynamic cables out there?
How much money you want to spend? I owned the Nordost Valhalla for 12 years of time. Wenn they came out for many years they were the fastest and best in speed. My new Audioquest Redwood 2013 model is even faster and in all other parts were you Jud... 
Power cords?
I sell a lot of Audioquest cables. I love them, but there powercables are not in the same league as the other cables they make. They are ok, but not stunning. Purist Audio makes better powercables. We compared them with Audioquest. They were super... 
I saw them and heard them. Even wenn you give them me for free I would not want these f.....ugly sub's. They are too slow.