

Responses from bo1972

Cables more hype than value?
3D has nothing to do with 2 or more channels. Wenn I play 2 or 5 channels I have a lot of depth. And also with 2 and 5.1 I play beside my speakers and far behind. The stunning thing is that I have a 3D image with 2 and with 5 channels. During the ... 
Cables more hype than value?
The old 802 was in dynamics with Naim quite good to be unnest. But the stage was too flat. And the Nu-Vista was superior in individual focus and also in resolution compared to the Naim. 802N is these days a far outdated speaker in every way. I mod... 
Amplifier for Monitor Audio RX 8 system
I sold and tested many Monitor Audio speakers. I also did a presentation for Monitor Audio. I test many different amps on Monitor Audio speakers as well. Also at shows you hear them with many different amps. I Always have my own music during shows... 
Cables more hype than value?
Yess it is. A few clients came to me. They said: this is the end of a cd player. Why for god sake you would buy a cd player? It is Always nice to hear new things of your beloved recordings. The 384 kHz dac makes the stage wider and deeper. The con... 
Amplifier for Monitor Audio RX 8 system
It is very simple; you test and listen to the amps. I alwys use speakers which can bui;ld a big stage. So you know if they are 2 or 3-dimensional.I can sell what I want, because the company were I do business with has it all. But I do not sell amp... 
Cables more hype than value?
Tubes are like wine, wenn they are older the musicality is getting better with more emotion!! 
Amplifier for Monitor Audio RX 8 system
The Pioneer is 2-dimensional, Parasound as well. You only keep the 3-dimensional image wenn you use both surround amp and poweramp who can give a 3-dimensional image. Cary audio I cannot Judge. Your Pioneer is not that good. Maybe it is better to ... 
Cables more hype than value?
There amps are 2-dimensional. At shows there sources are often used with Naim amps. So you get a 2-dimensional image. But it is possible that there sources can give a 3-dimensional image. It is very easy to test. use amps and speakers who can give... 
Amplifier for Monitor Audio RX 8 system
You need to be aware that Monitor Audio ( including your RX8) uses crossovers which are that good that they can give a deep and wide stage like the best highend speakers can. But......you need amps who can give this deep and wide stage. Pioneer is... 
Cables more hype than value?
We are talking about Naim amps and sources. I do not know the cables of Naim. The only thing what I can say is that I never tested stunning cables from manufacturers who make amps and sources. Some were ok and sometimes good, but never stunning. I... 
Cables more hype than value?
What I said earlier; I talked to many Naim owners. Most of them had no experience or knowledge with depth. Wenn instruments and voices play fully loose from a speaker and also in depth, every person understand in a few seconds why it is far superi... 
Cables more hype than value?
These days I even can get a stunning 3-dimensional image out of a Onkyo TX-NR525 of 449 dollar. Also with this amp I can use my way of measuremt to get a lot more dynamic and resolution out of the amp. The fun thing is to give even people who spen... 
Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?
Connect the 809 with a Audioquest hdmi coffee or even better with the Audioquest Diamond and you will outperform many cd player till 5000 dollar. I did many blind test with clients with very expensive players. They all bought the 809 with coffee o... 
Best Standard Def DVD Player under $8,000 used?
These days I use the Olive 06HD as a streamer which outperforms almost any highend cd layer with ease. And I use the Onkyo BD-SD809 for bluray. This player has a clocklink and is the only player till 1000 dollar which can give a deep and wide stag... 
Cables more hype than value?
A source is able to break the 3-D image. What I did was using speakers and amps which cab give a deep and wide stage. After this you can test sources how they buid a stage. So you easilly can hear if they are 2 or 3 dimensional. It is quite easy. ...