

Responses from bo1972

Does Avalon speakers have a house sound?
Avalon will Always keep there own sound. This is what makes them different and who they are. There are enough lovers. Often Avalon owners buy an Avalon the next time they buy a new speaker. Would be stuppid to change there sound! 
Room size & choosing speakers
Many shops do not understand audio and acoustics. In my country it is the same. The problem is knowlegde. First you have to understand and know all the properties of the 802D before you can Judge in which room and how it need to be positioned. The... 
Pass X350.5 Heat Output
I have a 64 inch Samsung F8500 plasma, this gives even superior more heat than my X250.5 :) 
New Musical Fidelity M8 pre - anyone heard this
I have to admit that I didn't listen to this one. I hope to do it next week. Have fun with it! 
Pass X350.5 Heat Output
The 160.5 has a more overwhole warm sound and better resolution. They cost 2 times the amount of the X350.5. 
Room size & choosing speakers
In 2000 I met a person who bought the 802N. His room was too small for this speaker. He had a lot od acoustic problems with it. I never would have sold him this speakers in that room. I got really irritated and phoned with B&W in my country. I... 
Why does Spectral have such a cult following
What I said earlier in speed and depth of stage it is stunning. I heard a demo with Avalon Eidolon Diamond's. Timing and room stage depth was stunning. But........I said nice but a violin does not sound like this at all. The violin sounded like sh... 
Pass X350.5 Heat Output
Quandry: Used Magico V2 vs. new S1
I only like there digital cables. In the past I compared Valhalla with the best Siltech. There were a lot details missing with the Siltech cables. I sold Nordost over 9 years of time. Nordost is not easy to use because you need to use it very prec... 
Speakers that sound like Usher Be-20s/10s
I hope people will open there eyes and ears. People have to learn to understand better what the properties/talents are of the stuff they own. I am not here to provoke. In the 15 years I am in this business I saw how often and easy people make miss... 
Pass X350.5 Heat Output
What I said earlier; use a Purist Audio powercable. Wenn you buy a X250.5 it will give you the feeling you bought a X350.5. Goodluck! 
New Musical Fidelity M8 pre - anyone heard this
Musical Fidelity Always has been exeptional good in focus and they are still exeptional good at it. But the stage is less deep and wide. It also depends about the speakers you use. There are many speakers with nog a deep and wide stage which will ... 
Room size & choosing speakers
Mctosh can give a good and deep stage as well. Wenn you will use this amp you will hear the difference in stage depth and wide. It is the best to use about 5 numbers of cd's/lp's or music on streamer. Numbers you know well. Use them on each speake... 
Sub-woofer fast enough for Horns?
I have also the experience wenn we did a live recording it sounded a lot different later after we played the recording. But it is still not difficult to compare sub's in speed, syngron quality and if instrument keep the same proportion. 10 years a... 
Pass X350.5 Heat Output
I owned the XA-30.5 as well. The X-250 is bigger and gets only a little less hot compared to the XA-30.5. But because of its size I think it gives more heat. I have a big room and to be unnest I really don't care about the temperature. Sound is wh...