

Responses from bo1972

Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
I do not only talk about these brands. There are a lot more products I like or talk about. The people who have comments on me often owns products I criticised about. Or they have a different opinion. That is a forum for. You also have the freedom ... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
The world of audio is small. Everyone knows eachother. The thing I hate most is the high level of egoism. They are nice to you wenn you sell there stuff. Wenn you do not sell it anymore it suddenly changes a lot. The thing I dislike most is how ma... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
Says someone from Holland..... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
Yes it is!!!! Same as wenn people come to you to say that they like it a lot. Wenn people don't say anything often they don't like it. Or people tapping with there feet. After shows people often talk more about what was bad than about the good stuff. 
Amp for Sonus Faber Amati Futura
Audio is a never ending story! 
Cables more hype than value?
He was irritated because the person said to him: I do not hear the difference. It is how he hears it. So he has to accept it. The man of Nordost said to him; that it was his limitation. How stuppid you can be to use those words. The difference was... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
What are the biggest difference between 2 and 3 dimensional sound. Wenn you visit other shops, shows and people at home most sets are what I call 2-dimensional. This means that everything you play most instruments and voices stand on the same line... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
Stage depth and wide can be created by all parts in a system. In over 15 years I am in this business you hear many many amps, sources, speakers and cables etc. Wenn I use the words properties/talents I talk about how is the stage build of the part... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
There are more way's to a 3-dimensional image. But there is a big but. In the world of audio there are unfortunately a lot more 2-dimensional products. These days I do not sell products anymore which give a 2-dimensional image. Wenn people ask for... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
This year I sold my old audio rack to a person who owns the Denon AVP-1 and POA-A1 combi. After 30 min hearing my set his words were: so this is the end of my Denon set. Because 3D is superior to any 2D sound. It is also the speed and timing what ... 
Which REL sub, R528 or B2
It is a lot more simple. Here at Audiogon it is words. In real the sound does the work. It shows that the words are as it is said. I do a-b comparison all the time. It is not about me. ( then you still don't understand) It is only about looking fu... 
Best Amp for Timbre, Depth and Spatial Resolution?
The 802D also cannot give a deep stage either. I listend to the 800D in the past. I knew I would stop here. I wanted to go to the next level. So what is the next level? The next level was a deeperand wider stage. What does a wider and deeper stage... 
Which REL sub, R528 or B2
That is alright. I understand that the words we use can be read differently. And audio is like defending the stuff you own. Sometimes it is even difficult to look further. Many people want to do it themselves. I see all the time. I am who I am bec... 
Which REL sub, R528 or B2
We are decent people. We don't have to agree with eachother. This is a website about audio. There is room enough for everybody his personal opinion. 
Amp for Sonus Faber Amati Futura
In those price ranges there are many more. Then I doubt if they are as good as brands like Pass Labs and some Krell. Jeff Roland has a very musical sound. But I prefer Pass Labs a lot more. Stage is bigger and better timing and control compared to...