

Responses from bo1972

Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
I use and measure at a totally different way than they use it. I think and work from a highend perspective. This means instruments and voices need to have the right proportion and the right sound. It is a very big accidence that it came to my path... 
AQ sub cables, opinions?
see the other tread about AQ sub cables 
Audioquest subwoofer cables
The sub 3 is a lot better compared to the 1. Don;forget that in about 1 months there will be many new ones. The new line has 6 different subwoofer cables. The top model is the Wild Dog. Pure silver and can become the new ref for subwoofer cables. 
Mini Monitors: Sonus Faber Cremona or Micro Utopia
The difference is that the Sonus Faber has a much richer and warmer mid freq. Bur the Utopia can give you a bigger and wider stage. Look for used Monitor Audio Pl-100's. These are better in resolution, speed and control. They are a combi of the tw... 
Cables more hype than value?
Audio is not a fair business at all. In 15 years of time I visited many people with expensive sets. Many of them still play at an average or even low level. Why? Because often they are screwed by some people in this business. This is the thing I h... 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
I owned amp with tubes and I sold them as well. And I like them too. But Pass Labs made me think differently about amps. Most SS I did not find good enough. I wanted the sound of tubes but not there limitations. They need time to get the optimum s... 
Cables more hype than value?
I would only say NO to all the average and poor cables. And yes there are many!! 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
Netherlands!! Born in the dutch moutains!! 
Cables more hype than value?
3 D staging is Always about accuracy of all the parts including acoutics togheter. But the differences in cables are big. They project the image differently wenn played by the same amp, source and even in the same room. So the question is; What is... 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
It looks like if this tread has become a chat session. Are you F...kidding me? The tread is for Solaris, not for our nonsense. The spource is a Olive 06HD...by the way.... 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
It's ok that every person gives his own view. The question has not been answered. So before we can say anything you need to know which speakers he uses? Sound always will be a personal thing. It is Always about comparing to hear what you prefer mo... 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
Wenn he is using the Amati, I would not recommand for tubes. This speakers I heard many times go wrong. Often with tubes or even SS without power and control. 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
We are not taking about exceptions? Are we? I prefer class A far over class B or even class D. I hear the advantages of the Pass Labs amps with class A over the Tube amps in many situations. It is the difference of speed in a guitar or the drive i... 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
For over 2 year I did run a shop were we sold a lot of tube amps. I like it a lot. I have enough clients with very expensive tube amps. It is my personal opinion ( regardless the sensitivity of a loudspeaker) that it is easier to get more control,... 
Tube in Preamp or Power amp?
Wolf just speak for yourself please. We compare all the time many different amps. You do it just for a hobby. Where are we talking about. |You are just a amature. Nothing more, nothing less. My own technician builds tube amps with the best parts t...