

Responses from bo1972

New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
You are talking about a DAC, this is something different than an amp. For that kind of money NAD made a very good dac. But in general NAD is not a brand in the world of highend. I sold NAD for over 8 years of time. In 2007 I decided to buy it for ... 
32" television
I have friends with Samsung led screens. They got problems after 2,5 year. Led screens are not more reliable than plasma is. I owned 5 plasma's in 6 years of time. They all still work without any problem. I sold them to friends and family. I also ... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
Good question Charles; tone, timbre is very important is music. One of the reasons why I like Pass Labs a lot is also about the tone, tembre and the harmonics as well. When I bought the XA100.5 from Pass labs I heard many things what I also heard ... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
I try to keep audio as simple and understandable for every single person. The same about how I use Audyssey. I demonstrate it on and off so people understand and hear the difference what it does. Same about Audyssey EQ and Volume. Just put it on a... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
The way how I use audio is very effective. I can easy let people hear a higher level in quality than other shops give to the same people. This is not subjective. This is what people can hear and understand. So your words are useless ( again, like ... 
Review Olive 06HD
Nothing special, because I use import for windows to transfer it to the 06. I can rip cd's with my Asus laptop. So I will compare it. 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
NAD is in the world of highend not good enough. It is that simple. The same about there new digital amps. I sold Tact in the past. This is the same technique which is used in there new digital amps. It is incomplete. Because some class A amps are ... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
Since 2007 I focus on what I call 3-dimensional sound. Because the difference between 2 and 3-dimensional is very big. The emotion you feel with 3 dimensional sound is a lot bigger. So I let people listen to both to understand the difference. Soun... 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
Pass Labs class A can give a very realistic sound in instruments. You can hear the difference easily between 2 different acoustic guitars at the same time. To be honnest I tried this with Ayre, but it does not have the same level in sound realism. 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
Who the F....is Bruce? 
What to upgrade?
When you will buy speakers which can give a deep and wide stage you need amps which can give you a deep and wide stage. So first you need to know all the different properties of all the brands and products you are interested in. In the world of hi... 
B&W design quality observation. Any downside
The biggest downside of B&W are there crossovers in general. I owned the 802N and 800S in the past. When I auditioned the 800D I stopped. Why? Because a deep and wide stage is the most stunning part in highend audio. When it is not there you m... 
How to meaningfully audition speakers??
When you will use the amp you own now bring it to the shop. This is a very important start. Listening to speakers with a different amp does not make any sense. For cables same story. I Always advise my clients to bring in there amp. spource and ca... 
New to Audiogon. selling my whole system
First of all take all the time you need. Looking for new audio is often so much fun. You can spend your money one time so do it right. Start with the speakers. One option you should try is Monitor Audio Platinum. But audition them with amps which ... 
32" television
Best advice is buying a 42 inch Plasma. Plasma is still superior in every part you Judge a screen for. It is that simple! Read about it. In the US they are honnest to tell that plasma is better. The 42 inch Panasonic S60 is stunning and not that e...