
Responses from blues_man

Best Phono Pre-amp..for the money?
The PH3 is great at about $1k used. You have to hear it. 
Record-playing Rituals?
There are more contaminants in the air than in the water. Even water that has been processed with an ion exchange filter is fine. In the 70s I had a system with several baths. Today that's not so practical. Trace minerals are so small, we're talki... 
VPI cleaning fluid and fungus
By the way if it's from a dirty environment then it's mold 
Record-playing Rituals?
I just bought a second VPI 16 cleaner. One is used for really dirty records, the other for everyday use. After cleaning a really dirty one it goes to the everyday use machine for final cleaning. Felt on everyday machine will not get so dirty if no... 
VPI cleaning fluid and fungus
If this happens, you probably have a dirty environment or you mixed it incorrectly. I believe that the VPI fluid is just a surfactant in water. If you try to make it stronger than reccomended, the surfactant could "fall out of solution" producing ... 
Cartridge Setup?
Get a cheap tracking force guage and the HI FI NEWS test LP. I just set up my new system and it was really simple. Having the Graham arm made it really simple, but with these tools I was able to get an unbelievable sound. I can track on the last t... 
Best Tube Amp under 5K
Audio Research VT100 MkII are going for under $3000 and this might be better than the MkIII. There is some question about this. 
I am Not hurting anything right ??
Most manufacturers put bi-wire options in because it's good marketing. I've talked to many top engineers at speaker companies and most agree biwiring is just a gimick. If you analyze the circuit, biwiring just makes the sound worse. 
Audio Research comparison
The reason I have been considering upgrading my Ref2 VT200 combo is because there has been a lot of hype about how good the upgraded models are. I like the all tube gear and wanted an idea of how adding solid state inputs to their products would a... 
Audio Research comparison
When I made the original post, I kind of suspected that there might be a split on this. By the way I believe that the VT100 mkII was around for a lot longer than 16 months. I'll probably keep my Ref2 preamp and VT200 amp for now. I'll have to do a... 
Newbie hook-up question w/ ARC PH-3 SE
Try not connecting the ground. I have a PH3 SE and Ref 2. It sounds MUCH better without the ground connected. Also if you bought the PH3 second hand, someone might have loaded it innapropriately for your cartridge. 
AR Ref 600s Best for Genesis2?
Sorry to change the subject, but has anyone compared the sound of the ARC amps before and after the new JFET input upgrade? I'm particularly interested in how the input change affects the timbre of the sound. 
Cheap bi-wiring?
Sorry for this late posting but I went away on vacation and forgot about it. Leafs is still right. Bi-wiring while definitely making a speaker sound different is NOT as good as a single wire. The fallacy here, (any first year EE student could spot... 
Upgrading Audio Research Amps
I'm more concerned with the change in timbre due to replacing the input tubes with JFETS 
vinyl care VPI felt removal
I think you can only get the strips on the tube. You just chuck the tube when its unusable. Here are two tips. First you can clean them with laudry detergent and a brush. Second you should clean really dirty records in two steps, and you should us...