
Responses from blues_man

Burned CDs can sound better than the original?
Mr Ttathomp you may be absolutely correct. I wanted to try this out first before I said the same thing. I have noticed that many so called "remasterings" are just reducing the dynamics and rolling off the highs. This makes them sound better on sys... 
Burned CDs can sound better than the original?
About 8 or so years ago, I did a test of CD player / Transports and their ability to accurately retrieve what was on the disk. At the time I hadd access to a $40K real-time analyzer and I was trying to prove that all transports were the same and t... 
ARC Support
This isn't that uncommon. Some manufacturers are very protective of their dealers. This is a good thing if you're a dealer obviously. I'm sure that there are service centers that can do this. There's one in Brooklyn, and another in San Fran that I... 
New Transport Approach
It's a LOT more than a little glue. Do NOT compare time for reading a CD ROM with an audio CD. They have different data formats. Have you ever read an entire CD for the purposes of burning. That's the load time we're talking about. To do what you ... 
What does "jitter" sound like????
OOps I almost forgot. The data format on CDs is not the same as computer ROM disks, and the data retrieval is much less reliable. 
best cd player for 2500- 3500
For New Retail under $3000, the Theta Miles is an excellent product. Get HDCD and AES/EBU outputs 
What does "jitter" sound like????
There seems to be a LOT of misinformation going around about digital. There are different "types" of DACs. When I say DAC, I'm referring simply to the converter which is a chip that converts digital input to an analog output. In addition to DACs f... 
New Transport Approach
As someone who designs Digital record and playback systems, I can tell you that this is done all the time, but for commercial applications. The problem is that for CD music, people want real-time playback. This just wouldn't be feasible for that. ... 
Audio Research Convert...
I had a 100.2 before I got a VT100, I felt it was exceptional for a SS amp. When I told some local dealers that I felt it was better than the Classe or Aragon etc stuff that I auditioned, I got a really funny look but I just really liked the amp. 
Is the Cassette Recorder Dead?
Most of the older car CD players and many existing players will cause "scuffing" of the CDs if you drive over a bad bump. My early Sony player did this alot. Now I have an Alpine model that doesn't seem to have this problem. 
Is the Cassette Recorder Dead?
Ezmeralda I really got a shock recently when we tested Cassette Tapes made from LPs with CDs. The cassettes were clearly superior. Even with all the anomolies of cassettes, sonically there superior to CDs. 
Burned CDs can sound better than the original?
The burner's and the software have come a long way in the past couple of years. Before all reading was done real-time which has to degenerate the signal and there was no reclocking available. I'll have to completely upgrade my hardware and softwar... 
How many of you have heard the Tenor Audio amps?
I also heard them at the show. They sounded great, but I'd like to compare them with my ARC gear. I really like the detail you get on the ARC stuff. I don't know if anyone carries this stuff in my area. 
Burned CDs can sound better than the original?
You hit the nail on the head. Many people think that LESS resolution and LESS dynamics sounds better. If you listen on a reference system, the difference will blow you away. CD-R machines like the Pioneer produce a more accurate copy than computer... 
Burned CDs can sound better than the original?
It's possible that the software compresses the dynamics to make them sound "better". Since most people think that compresed dynamics sound better. (They bring out the material that a lot of equipment can't reproduce). Just look at the rave reviews...