
Responses from blbloom

Music trivia anyone?
Good guess, but there were two rock stars and a number of actors, who each did solos. I gave you points for an amusing guess. Your answer would have been as good as the real thing. 
Music trivia anyone?
Forgive me in advance, but I have to ask this question. Who made their guest appearance on Sesame Street singing one of my daughter's and my all time favorites, "You Got To Put Down The Ducky, If You Want To Play The Saxophone"? 
Music trivia anyone?
Undertaker, I posted that question about Gearge Harrison on Badge up above, only I gave the pseudonym, Angelo Mysterioso. Sedond, Edward Hopper is correct. 
Music trivia anyone?
Tom Wait's "Nighthawks at the Diner" just came up in another post. The cover is a parady of a painting by a great American artist. Who is the artist? 
Music trivia anyone?
Undertaker4. You are taxing my brain with this one. Easy question, yes, but my memory isn't what it used to be. I think it is Duran Duran. 
Music trivia anyone?
Next question. What fortune is Michael Naismith of the Monkeys heir to? 
Music trivia anyone?
Undertaker4, Right, Gary Busey played drums for Leon Russel. 
Music trivia anyone?
Enya's sister, I don't know the spelling, Mairee Brennan? And another question, an easy one. Who is the "Angelo Mysterioso" that played with Cream? Spelling again? 
Member Nominations: Best Entertainment
I just have to add two more. Martin Sexton's "The American". His voice is truely an instrument. If you ever get the oportunity to see him live, don't pass it up. The Best of Laura Nyro, Stoned Soul Picnic. If she doesn't move you to tears, nothing... 
Member Nominations: Best Entertainment
Too many, but one I'll never grow tired of is David Bromberg doing Mr. Bojangles. It has the sweetest guitar solo I've ever heard. I saw him twice a year for at least ten years at the Bottom Line Anniversary shows in N.Y.C. and the Tarrytown Music... 
Music trivia anyone?
Cornfedboy, Next guess, from your clue, Pete Townsend. I read somewhere that Keith Moon, John Lennon and Harry Nilsson once had a bet about who would die first. No winners on that bet. Three losses. I confess, a friend just told me that Keith Moon... 
Music trivia anyone?
Another Question. What Hollywood actor played drums for Leon Russell at one time? 
Music trivia anyone?
I don't know why or to whom, but i have two guesses. John Lennon or keith Moon. ???? Why? Alcahol rehab? Or he had to leave the country? These are total guesses. 
Shearwater Hot Rod vs. ProAc 1.5
Just to clarify, I meant to say that the Proac 1.5 is much better than the Kestrel. 
Shearwater Hot Rod vs. ProAc 1.5
You'll get a fuller, richer, warm sound with the Shearwaters, and a more detailed, sweet sound with the Proac. I prefer the Shearwaters, but both are fine choices and I would like to hear them with your excellent integrated. Rock, Shearwaters all ...