
Responses from blbloom

cable length
Just a question on the same topic. I wonder if it is harder to sell cables under 8 feet? This might be a factor when considering purchases. 
Absolute Sounds 100 best albums
That's what makes life interesting. I think Leonard Cohen is great. "Everybody knows the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost." 
absolute best component you ever owned
My JSE Infinite Slope speakers. I had them for 12 years. They were just great. I tried the Joseph Audio's after them, because they use the same patent. Not even close. 
Need advice on Bryston B-60
I used the B60 with Meadowlark Kestrel Hotrods for awhile. It was a great combination, never lacking for power, even at high volumes. I think they are 90db. If it matches with your speakers, it would be tough to beat at $800. It is a classy piece ... 
Ethics of last minute auction "poaching"
Joysjane. Thanks for clarifying. To answer your question, I have no knowledge of a seller inflating their price by bidding themselves or getting someone to do it for them. I know it would be easy to do if one is determined. I was only responding w... 
Ethics of last minute auction "poaching"
Wrong, Joysjane. All bids, within the rules of the auction, are fair. Not in the case of the seller inflating the price to reach the buyer's maximum bid. That is wrong and unethical, as Angela100 stated. Period. 
What is the meaning of a true audiophile
In my dictionary, it comes right after Audionervosa. In reality, just before. 
New Age, Neo-Celtic, World Beat Music
I second the choice of Mouth Music.(Mouth music is Afro-Celtic rythms which traditionally had giberish for vocals, instead of lyrics) I have three of their cds. The first two are far better than the third, which is too comercial. I saw them at the... 
cant get that clean dynamic sound
Just a guess, based on lack of specifics in your post, but I think you might have room acoustic problems, and need to work with speaker placemant. Another possibility is an ac problem. Get a voltage meter and make sure you have enough current. 
Anyone has Marsh amp ?
Contact Johnathan of Goldman Audio. Email address, 
Wadia 860 output level/gain
I had a Wadia 830, and called Wadia with the same questions. On the 830, they are dip switches inside. They faxed the instructions to me. You should do the same. It was very simple. 
Amps for Virgo : TUBE or SOLID?
Does anyone have any comments on the Virgos with the Rowland Concentra, new or old version? 
Ethics of last minute auction "poaching"
The days of finding great deals at these specialized auctions is over. Most people on this sight know what things are worth. If they don't, they better find out. Not many of us have money to throw away. Personally, I have a tendency to research th... 
Ethics of last minute auction "poaching"
Megasam, I disagree with you. As long as the rules of the auction are followed, all is fair. I believe in ethics when buying and selling, but an auction is a form of competition, and there is strategy involved. I think what is unethical is changin... 
Top 10 TV Shows
Ok, maybe it's the flavor of the month, but I sure as hell love the Sopranos. "Can't you be a good Catholic for five F*****G minutes"?