

Responses from bilyeauxbrew

Replacement capacitors exploding
Might want to call Crites speakers in Arkansas, specializes in Klipsch rehab. 
Biggest audio hoaxes
Probably not in context with the entire thread but thanks to some of our regulars I picked up a set of Nobsound Springs. Initially tried under sub, and now my CD 6006 Marantz. Improved clarity of voices, instruments, soundstage. Will be getting so... 
What do you have on order RIGHT NOW.
Decware UFO2 SET AMP and fired up, ordered 1/6/21, and about 3 more months........ 
Scratching my head...Bluesound Node 2i direct to amp
I have the GCD and S300 and you can bypass by running RCA from source to analog inputs. Currently im using digitals for my node 2i and CD. 
Klipsch Heritage Range
I have a pair of 74 H-1's that were my brothers and rebuilt them with crossovers, and all drivers from Crites speakers. I am very happy with my modest system and these speakers. I listen mostly to jazz of all types, some rock, classical, new age, ... 
Truly Balanced Cheaper Preamplifiers?
Greg, the PS Audio-Gain Cell DAC is balanced as well as others in the line, 1600 new and can trade in older equipment to lower cost. 
New Hobby Ultrasonic Record Cleaning
Thanks skypunk, I have been looking at vinyl cleaners for 2 years since receiving my brothers music collection after his passing. Had trouble spending the 500 + on most machines. Been doing the had groovewasher thing on my kitchen table, works but... 
Desire to try tubes
Thanks for the continued information gathering it up, will take some time to sift through, love it! 
Desire to try tubes
Thank you all for the suggestions and thought processes. I will follow these as I move forward and continue visiting this forum daily.Bilyeaux 
Desire to try tubes
Thanks, will starting with pre-amp better than tube amp? Do you need both for the best tube sound? 5k would be tops for both if need/desire both. And yes i will check those resources to understand impedence matching did not know about that...