
Responses from billpete

Cary SLP 98 vs Benchmark LA4
I believe Cary is going to stop production of the SLP 98, this year. I have been watching used pieces mostly. I had not heard about the audition clause and warranty loss but it may well be. I'd been looking at a used one and a 30 day return policy... 
Cary SLP 98 vs Benchmark LA4
6SN7 seems to be a favorite anymore. Interesting how it goes over the years.  
Cary SLP 98 vs Benchmark LA4
Tried to post pics of my AR9's but can't figure out how.  A couple other preamps up for consideration (if I miss the SLP98 or get talked out of it) are AR Ref Mk2 or Wells Audio Commander Level 2. Both available at reasonable prices. I know nothi... 
Cary SLP 98 vs Benchmark LA4
I'm leaning toward the Cary, since I have always loved the PH 301. Rolled a lot of tubes in and out of that phono pre. The SLP 98L that I found, does not look to have any upgrades but is only 8 years old so not sure how much improved it is over th... 
Cary SLP 98 vs Benchmark LA4
Warm, as in normal "tube warm" or is there something more like a Cary signature of some sort?  
Directional wires/cables
Well, I sure didn't mean to stir up such a hornet's nest but there has been a good amount of discussion and information to be read.  I watched a video with Gene DellaSala and John Siau and what their thoughts were on the subject. They put far les... 
Directional wires/cables
Thanks again to all who replied. I enjoyed all aspects of the discussion, even the cringe-worthy ones.   
Directional wires/cables
See, I couldn't even spell PhD correctly. I do not have the higher education of many in and around these forums. I do have big ears though. :) Thanks for all guys, it is appreciated. Sorry if people get angry over it. I for one, do not.  
Directional wires/cables
Well, this has been interesting, if a bit cranky at times. Discussions on these and other forums always seem to come down to "my Phd is bigger than your Phd" or something similar. Interesting, nonetheless.  Many of the explanations are well above... 
Directional wires/cables
Interesting reading. Thanks for all the participation. It is clear that at least some cables should be used the way they were intended, simply by how they were made. As I said, I have always followed the arrows but always thought that it meant the... 
Directional wires/cables
Interesting that he is not a big advocate but says he has heard the difference. I do understand if they are made in such a way that it's intended to be used one way or the other, that it may be more important. It is also interesting to note that h... 
Directional wires/cables
Thanks Some interesting reading. As always, some different opinions on the subject. I guess I'm in the "It's mostly BS" camp and I'll leave it at that.   
Questions about tubes and their subsitites
Yogi I looked through some of my tubes and found that I have quite a few GE 5751's. I'lll give them a try at some point to see how they compare with the Sylvania GP's. Never heard a word from Cary on my experiment. I have not had the greatest luc... 
Questions about tubes and their subsitites
I just got a batch of 5 Sylvania 3 mica 5814's to see what I think of them. I have not tested them yet to make up pairs. After I do, I'll see how they compare to the Gold Pins. I've never really been disappointed by any Sylvania tubes. I have a pr... 
Questions about tubes and their subsitites
I am also using lower gain tubes at the 12AX7 spots, using 5751's which are 30db lower than what it calls for. 5751's are often used this way and many favor them, including myself. I have never found any AX7's that sounded  better than the various...