
Responses from bill_k

Cart for VPI Scout? Blackbird, Ruby2H, Shelter 901
I recently setup a Super Scoutmaster with a Dynavector17D2 cartridge and the P-75 phono stage. I checked withthe Dynavector distributor, and he said that the P-75 isbest matched with the 17D2 in the phono enhancer mode atthe high impedance setting... 
Ever hear the "Maggie Scream"?
I recently had a discussion with an owner of some Piegaribbon speakers that experienced the same problem thatyou're describing. I noticed that you have Outlaw poweramps, and that happens to be the same brand of amps thathe uses! I'd be pretty cert... 
Rega Arm lift?
This is a common "problem" with Rega's cueing mechanism.It can usually be overcome by only moving the lever to justpast its vertical position and then letting the lever lowerwith the tonearm. If the arm still won't lower using thisprocedure then t... 
Have you ever had this problem with a Rega P-25?
If you're lowering the lever all at once, try just lowering it past its vertical position and then letting it fall on its own. Rega recommends this, and it should work unless your arm has a defective cueing mechanism (which can be replaced if need...